Amendments (Textual)

Removal of goods from a fiscal warehousing regime and transfers overseas145H


Without prejudice to sections 18F(5), 18F(6) and the following paragraphs of this regulation, eligible goods which are allocated to a fiscal warehousing regime shall only be removed from that regime at the time and in any of the following circumstances—


when an entry in respect of those eligible goods is made in the relevant fiscal warehousing record which indicates the time and date of their removal from that regime;


when the eligible goods are moved outside the fiscal warehouse in respect of which they are allocated to a fiscal warehousing regime (except in the case of movements between fiscal warehouses kept by the same fiscal warehousekeeper); or,


at the time immediately preceding a retail sale of those eligible goods.

  • The person who shall be treated as the person who removes or causes the removal of the relevant goods from the relevant fiscal warehousing regime in any of the circumstances described above shall be, as the case requires, either the person who causes any of those circumstances to occur or, in the case of sub-paragraph (c), the person who makes the retail sale referred to there.


Subject to paragraph (3) below, eligible goods which are subject to a fiscal warehousing regime shall not be treated as removed from that regime but shall be treated as transferred or as being in the process of transfer, as the case requires, in any of the following circumstances—


where the goods in question are transferred or are in the process of transfer to another fiscal warehousing regime in pursuance of regulation 145G(1) above;


where the goods in question are transferred or are in the process of transfer to arrangements which correspond in effect, under the law of another member State, to section 18B(3) (fiscal warehousing) whether or not those arrangements also correspond in effect to section 18C(1) (zero-rating of certain specified services performed in a fiscal or other warehousing regime);


where the goods in question are exported or are in the process of being exported to a place outside the member States; or,


where the goods in question are moved temporarily to a place other than the relevant fiscal warehouse for repair, processing, treatment or other operations (subject to the prior agreement of and to conditions to be imposed by the Commissioners).


Where any relevant document referred to in paragraph (4) below is not received by the relevant fiscal warehousekeeper within the time period indicated there (commencing on the day on which the relevant eligible goods leave his fiscal warehouse), he shall—


make an entry by way of adjustment to his fiscal warehousing record to show the relevant goods as having been removed from his fiscal warehousing regime at the time and on the day when they left;


identify in his fiscal warehousing record the person on whose instructions he allowed the goods to leave his fiscal warehouse as the person removing those goods and that person’s address and registration number (if any); and,


notify the person on whose instructions he allowed the goods to leave his fiscal warehouse that the relevant document has not been received by him in time.


The document and time period referred to in paragraph (3) above is, as the case requires, either—


the certificate referred to in regulation 145G(3)(c) confirming the completion of a transfer of eligible goods from the relevant fiscal warehousing regime to another fiscal warehousing regime (30 days);


a document evidencing the completion of the transfer of the eligible goods from the relevant fiscal warehousing regime directly to arrangements which correspond, in another member State, to fiscal warehousing (60 days); or,


a document evidencing the export of the eligible goods from the relevant fiscal warehousing regime to a place outside the member States (60 days).