Non-public transport aircraft—aerodrome operating minima31A


This Article shall apply to any aircraft which is not a public transport aircraft.


An aircraft to which this Article applies when making a descent at an aerodrome to a runway in respect of which there is a notified instrument approach procedure shall not descend from a height of 1,000 feet or more above the aerodrome to a height of less than 1,000 feet above the aerodrome if the relevant runway visual range for that runway is at the time less than the specified minimum for landing.


An aircraft to which this Article applies when making a descent to a runway in respect of which there is a notified instrument approach procedure shall not:


continue an approach to landing on such a runway by flying below the relevant specified decision height; or


descend below the relevant specified minimum descent height;

unless in either case the specified visual reference for landing is established from such height and is maintained.


In this Article “specified” in relation to aerodrome operating minima means such particulars of aerodrome operating minima as have been notified in respect of the aerodrome or if the relevant minima have not been notified such minima as are ascertainable by reference to the notified method for calculating aerodrome operating minima.