In rule 9, paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be omitted and there shall be inserted—


The council shall cause a copy of the said roll to be available for inspection at the meeting.


The said financial statements shall—


be independently examined or audited in such manner as shall be prescribed in accordance with rule 54(8);


be considered and, if thought fit, approved by the parochial church council and signed by the chairman presiding at the meeting of the council; and


be displayed for a continuous period of at least seven days before the annual meeting, including at least one Sunday when the church is used for worship, on a notice-board either inside or outside the church.


The annual report referred to in paragraph (1)(b) above and the said financial statements shall be prepared in such form as shall be prescribed in accordance with rule 54(8) hereof for consideration by the annual meeting. Following such meeting the council shall cause the annual report and statements to be published and displayed in the parish in such manner as may be prescribed in accordance with rule 54(8) and shall cause copies to be sent within twenty eight days of the annual meeting to the secretary of the diocesan board of finance for retention by the board.

and paragraphs (4) to (8) shall be re-numbered as (5) to (9).