European investment firms
1.—(1) This paragraph applies to an investment firm (other than a European authorised institution) incorporated in or formed under the law of another EEA State which before the commencement date—
(a)has commenced providing any listed service in the United Kingdom by the provision of services; or
(b)has established in the United Kingdom for the purpose of providing any such service a branch which immediately before that date is in existence.
(2) An investment firm to which this paragraph applies and which appears on the list communicated by the supervisory authorities of its home State in accordance with article 30.3 of the Investment Services Directive shall be treated for all purposes of these Regulations as if the requirements of paragraph 1 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations had been complied with in relation to its provision of the service or, as the case may be, its establishment of the branch.
(3) An investment firm to which this paragraph applies and which does not appear on the list communicated by the supervisory authorities of its home State in accordance with the provisions of article 30.3 of the Investment Services Directive shall if it is an authorised person or an exempted person, cease, with effect from whichever first occurs of 1st January 1997 or the firm becoming authorised in its home State in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Services Directive, to be such a person as respects listed services, and any standard licence granted to the firm under the Consumer Credit Act shall cease to cover any consumer credit business falling within the Annex to the Investment Services Directive.
(4) An investment firm to which this paragraph applies and which does not appear on the list communicated to the Board by the supervisory authorities of its home State in accordance with the provisions of article 30.3 of the Investment Services Directive shall (upon its becoming authorised in its home State in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Services Directive before 1st January 1997) be treated for the purposes of these Regulations as if the requirements of paragraph 1 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations had been complied with in relation to its provision of the service or, as the case may be, its establishment of the branch.
UK authorised investment firms
2.—(1) This paragraph applies to an investment firm incorporated in or formed under the law of any part of the United Kingdom which immediately before the commencement date is an authorised person under the Financial Services Act or is an exempted person by reason of its inclusion in the list maintained by the Bank for the purposes of section 43 of that Act.
(2) If an investment firm to which this paragraph applies—
(a)has, before the commencement date, commenced providing any listed service in another EEA State by the provision of services; or
(b)has established in another EEA State for the purpose of providing any such service a branch which immediately before that date is in existence,
it shall be treated for all purposes of these Regulations as if the requirements of paragraph 1 of Schedule 6 to these Regulations had been complied with in relation to its provision of the service or, as the case may be, its establishment of the branch.