The Milk Development Council Order 1995


11.—(1) For the purposes of the imposition or recovery of their charges, the Council may from time to time require by notice in writing any person carrying on business in the industry to furnish to the Council a written return, in such form, within such period and showing such information as may be specified in the notice, or to produce for examination at such time as may be specified in the notice, books or other documents or records in the custody or under the control of that person, or to keep records and produce them for examination as aforesaid.

(2) The Council shall ensure that the returns to be furnished in accordance with the provisions of article 8 or the returns to be furnished or the books or other documents or other records to be produced in accordance with the provisions of this article shall be examined only by the independent members of the Council or by officers of the Council specially authorised in that behalf by the Council.

(3) A person who uses in his business what he claims to be a secret process that ought not to be disclosed on the ground of risk of prejudice to his business shall not be required by anything in this article or in article 8 to disclose particulars relating to the process unless the requirement and the form thereof have been approved by the Ministers after consideration of his claim.

(4) In this article, “person carrying on business in the industry” includes any person carrying on any business consisting wholly or partly in the production of, or dealing in, any of the materials of the industry.