The National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1995

Pensionable service in respect of part-time employment

C4.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (6) and (10), a member’s pensionable service in part-time employment will not count at its full length but will be calculated as described in paragraphs (2) or (3), whichever is applicable, as its whole-time equivalent.

(2) If the member’s part-time employment is expressed as a specified number of half-days or sessions a week, the whole-time equivalent of the member’s pensionable service in respect of that employment will be calculated by the following fraction:—

(3) In any case where paragraph (2) does not apply, the whole-time equivalent of the member’s pensionable service in respect of part-time employment will be calculated by multiplying the full length of that pensionable service by the following fraction:—

(4) Subject to paragraph (5), for the purpose of calculating a member’s final year’s pensionable pay in respect of part-time employment, the member’s pensionable pay will be the amount that the Secretary of State determines would have been paid in respect of a single comparable whole-time employment.

(5) Paragraph (4) does not apply to the calculation of final year’s pensionable pay for the purposes of—

(a)regulations F1(2) and F2(2) (lump sum payable on death in pensionable employment or after becoming entitled to receive a pension); or

(b)sub-paragraph (b) of the definition of previous pay in regulation S2(11) (reduction of pension for members who return to pensionable employment after becoming entitled to a pension).

(6) If a member with pensionable service in part-time employment becomes entitled to an ill-health pension under regulation E2 (early retirement pension (ill-health))—

(a)the member’s pensionable service in part-time employment will count at its full length for the purpose of calculating whether, and (if so) to what extent, the pensionable service upon which the pension is based should be increased under regulation E2;

(b)the pension will be based on the whole-time equivalent of the member’s pensionable service in respect of part-time employment and the increase under regulation E2 will be limited to such amount as bears the same proportion to the amount that would have been paid had the pensionable service not been part-time as the whole time equivalent bears to comparable whole-time employment.

(7) If a member in part-time pensionable employment elects to buy additional service as described in regulation Q1 (right to buy additional service), the period of additional service will be calculated in accordance with Table 1 or Table 3 of Schedule 2 (whichever is applicable) and then reduced by multiplying the full length of that additional service by the following fraction:—


“part-time pensionable employment” means the number of hours, half-days or sessions that the member was required to work under his contract of employment during the period by reference to which “remuneration” was calculated for the purposes of Table 1 of Schedule 2 or regular additional contributions were paid in accordance with regulation Q5 (paying by regular additional contributions); and

“comparable whole-time pensionable employment” means the number of hours, half-days or sessions that would have constituted comparable whole-time pensionable employment during that period.

(8) If a member in part-time pensionable employment elects to buy an unreduced retirement lump sum as described in regulation Q2 (right to buy an unreduced retirement lump sum), the period referred to in Table 2 or Table 4 of Schedule 2 (whichever is applicable) will be reduced as described in paragraph (7) above.

(9) Paragraphs (7) and (8) above also apply for the purposes of regulation Q7 (part payment for additional service or unreduced retirement lump sum).

(10) A member’s pensionable service in respect of part-time employment will count at its full length (and concurrent periods of employment will be treated as a single employment) for the purposes of regulations C3(1) (qualifying service), C2(4) (limit on service that counts for benefits) and R3(5) (extra service credited to long-serving mental health officers), R6(6) (members entitled to fees for domiciliary consultations) and T8 (reduction for benefits under the National Insurance Acts).