Specially Protected Area No. 1 Taylor Rookery, MacRobertson Land Lat. 67°26'S; Long. 60°50'E

the Area consists of the whole of the northernmost rock exposure on the east side of Taylor Glacier, MacRobertson Land (Lat. 67°26'S; Long. 60°50'E). The rookery is located on a low lying rock outcrop in the south-west corner of a bay formed by Taylor Glacier to the west, the polar ice cap to the south and the islands of Colbeck Archipelago to the east. The Area is surrounded by sea ice to the north and east. The Area is some 90 km west of Mawson station. There is ice-free terrain adjacent to the glacier on the western boundary and to the south the rock rises steeply to meet the ice of the plateau.

There are no boundary markers since the Area is easily defined by its natural features.


Specially Protected Area No. 2 Rookery Islands, Holme Bay, MacRobertson Land Lat. 67°37'S; Long. 62°33'E

The Rookery Islands are a group of small islands and rocks in the south-western part of Holme Bay, MacRobertson Land, approximately 10 km to the west of Mawson station. The Area comprises the islands and rocks lying within the rectangular area shown on the maps below, the general location of which is latitude 67°37'S, longitude 62°33'E. There are no boundary markers delimiting the site.

There are approximately 75 small islands. They range in size from small rocks which barely remain above water at high tide to the largest islands of the group which are Giganteus Island (approximately 400 m long, 400 m wide and 30 m high) and Rookery Island which is of similar size but slightly more elongated. Rookery Island is the highest of the group reaching an altitude of 62 m.


Specially Protected Area No. 3 Ardery Island and Odbert Island, Budd Coast Lat. 66°22'S; Long. 110°33'E

Ardery Island (Lat. 66°22'S, Long. 110°28'E) and Odbert Island (Lat. 66°22'S, Long. 110°33'E) form part of the Windmill Islands group lying in the eastern end of Vincennes Bay off the Budd Coast. They are located 5 km and 0.6 km respectively to the west of Robinson Ridge, south of Casey Station. Odbert Island is approximately 2.5 km long and 0.5 km wide. In some years the island remains joined to Robinson Ridge on the mainland by sea ice. Ardery Island is a steep ice-free island approximately 1 km long and 0.5 km wide, with an east-west orientation.


Specially Protected Area No. 20 “New College Valley”, Caughley Beach, Cape Bird, Ross Island Lat. 77°14'S; Long. 166°23'E

The Area is in latitude 77°14'S, longitude 166°23'E, in the northern part of the Cape Bird ice-free area. It lies between Northern Rookery and Middle Rookery and is about 250 m south of the summer research station, Cape Bird Hut.

The Area consists of the generally west-facing ice-free slopes lying between the cliff top above Caughley Beach and a line parallel to and about 100 m west of the edge of the Mount Bird Ice Cap, and between a line south of the main stream bed of “Keble Valley” and the south ridge of “New College Valley”. Its total area is about 10 hectares.



Regulation 15


Flag mast erected in December 1965 at the South Geographical Pole by the First Argentine Overland Polar Expedition.


Rock cairn erected in January 1961 and plaques at Syowa Station (Lat 69°00'S, Long 39°35'E) in memory of Shin Fukushima.


Rock cairn and plaque on Proclamation Island, Enderby Land (Lat 65°51'S, Long 53°41'E), erected in January 1930 by Sir Douglas Mawson to commemorate the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition of 1929–31.


Station building to which a bust of V. I. Lenin is fixed, together with a plaque in memory of the conquest of the Pole of Inaccessibility by Soviet Antarctic explorers in 1958 (Lat 83°06'S, Long 54°58'E).


Rock cairn and plaque at Cape Bruce, MacRobertson Land (Lat 67°25'S, Long 60°47'E), erected in February 1931 by Sir Douglas Mawson to commemorate the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition.


Rock cairn at Walkabout Rocks, Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land (Lat 68°22'S, Long 78°33'E), erected in 1939 by Sir Hubert Wilkins.


Stone with inscribed plaque, erected at Mirny Observatory, Mabus Point (Lat 66°33'S, Long 93°01'E), in memory of Ivan Kharma.


Metal monument-sledge at Mirny Observatory, Mabus Point (Lat 66°33'S, Long 93°01'E), with plaque in memory of Anatoly Shcheglov.


Cemetery on Buromskiy Island, near Mirny Observatory (Lat 66°32'S, Long 93°01'E), in which are buried Soviet, Czechoslovak and GDR citizens, members of Soviet Antarctic Expeditions.


Building (Magnetic observatory) at Dobrowolsky Station, Bunger Hills (Lat 66°16'S, Long 100°45'E), with plaque in memory of the opening of Oasis Station in 1956.


Heavy tractor at Vostok Station (Lat 78°28'S, Long 106°48'E), with plaque in memory of the opening of the station in 1957.


Cross and plaque at Cape Denison, George V Land (Lat 67°00'S, Long 142°42'E), erected in 1913 by Sir Douglas Mawson. The cross and plaque commemorate Lieutenant B. E. S. Ninnis and Dr X Mertz, members of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911–14.


Hut at Cape Denison, George V Land (Lat 67°00'S, Long 142°42'E), built in January 1912 by Sir Douglas Mawson for the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911–14.


Remains of rock shelter at Inexpressible Island, Terra Nova Bay (Lat 74°54'S, Long 163°43'E), constructed in March 1912 by Victor Campbell’s Northern Party, British Antarctic Expedition, 1910–13.


Hut at Cape Royds, Ross Island (Lat 77°38'S, Long 166°07'E), built in February 1908 by Ernest Shackleton.


Hut at Cape Evans, Ross Island (Lat 77°38'S, Long 166°24'E), built in February 1911 by Captain Robert Falcon Scott.


Cross on Wind Vane Hill, Cape Evans, Ross Island (Lat 77°38'S, Long 166°24'E), erected by the Ross Sea Party of Ernest Shackleton’s Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914–16, in memory of three members of the party who died in the vicinity in 1916.


Hut at Hut Point, Ross Island (Lat 77°51'S, Long 166°37'E), built in February 1902 by Captain Robert Falcon Scott.


Cross at Hut Point, Ross Island (Lat 77°51'S, Long 166°37'E) erected in February 1904 by the British Antarctic Expedition, 1901–04, in memory of T. Vince.


Cross on Observation Hill, Ross Island (Lat 77°51'S, Long 166°40'E), erected in January 1913 by the British Antarctic Expedition 1910–13, in memory of Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s party which perished on the return journey from the South Pole, March 1912.


Stone hut at Cape Crozier, Ross Island (Lat 77°32'S, Long 169°18'E), constructed in July 1911 by Edward Wilson’s party (British Antarctic Expedition 1910–13).


Hut at Cape Adare (Lat 71°17'S, Long 170°15'E), built in February 1899 during the Southern Cross Expedition led by C. E. Borchgrevink.


Grave at Cape Adare (Lat 71°17'S, Long 170°15'E), of Norwegian biologist, Nicolai Hanson, a member of C. E. Borchgrevink’s ‘Southern Cross’ Expedition, 1899–1900. (The first known grave in the Antarctic.)


Rock cairn, known as ‘Amundsen’s Cairn’, on Mount Betty, Queen Maud Range (Lat 85°11'S, Long 163°45'W) erected by Roald Amundsen on 6 January, 1912, on his way back to ‘Framheim’ from the South Pole.


Hut and plaque on Peter I Oslash;y (Lat 68°47'S, Long 90°42'W), built by the Norwegian Captain Nils Larsen in February 1929 at Framnaesodden.


Abandoned installations of Argentine Station ‘General San Martin’ on Barry Island, Debenham Islands, Marguerite Bay (Lat 68°08'S, Long 67°08'W), with cross, flag mast, and monolith built in 1951.


Cairn with plaque on Megalestris Hill, Petermann Island (Lat 65°10'S, Long 64°10'W), erected in 1908 by the second French expedition led by J-B. Charcot.


Rock cairn at Port Charcot, Booth Island (Lat 65°03'S, Long 64°01'W), with wooden pillar and plaque inscribed with the names of the first French expedition led by J-B. Charcot which wintered here in 1904 aboard Le Francais.


Lighthouse named ‘Primero de Mayo’ erected on Lambda Island, Melchior Islands (Lat 64°18'S, Long 62°59'W).


Shelter at Paradise Harbour (Lat 64°49'S, Long 62°51'W), erected in 1950 near the Chilean Base ‘Gabriel Gonzales Videla’ to honour Gabriel Gonzales Videla.


Memorial plaque marking the position of a former cemetery on Deception Island (Lat 62°59'S, Long 60°34'W) where some 40 Norwegian whalers were buried in the first half of the twentieth century.


Concrete monolith, near Arturo Prat Base on Greenwich Island (Lat 62°29'S, Long 59°40'W), erected in 1947.


Shelter and cross with plaque near Arturo Prat Base, Greenwich Island (Lat 62°30'S, Long 59°41'W), erected in memory of Lieutenant-Commander Gonzalez Pacheco.


Bust of the Chilean naval hero Arturo Prat erected in 1947 at the base of the same name on Greenwich Island (Lat 62°30'S, Long 59°41'W).


Wooden cross and statue of the Virgin of Carmen erected in 1947 near Arturo Prat Base on Greenwich Island (Lat 62°30'S, Long 59°41'W).


Metal plaque at Potter Cove, King George Island (Lat 62°13'S, Long 58°42'W), erected by Eduard Dallmann to commemorate the visit of his German expedition on 1 March, 1874.


Statue of Bernard O'Higgins, erected in 1948, in front of the station of the same name (Lat 63°19'S, Long 57°54'W.


Hut on Snow Hill Island (Lat 64°24'S, Long 57°00'W) built in February 1902 by the main party of the Swedish South Polar Expedition, led by Otto Nordenskjold.


Stone hut at Hope Bay (Lat 63°24'S, Long 56°59'W), built in January 1903 by a party of the Swedish South Polar Expedition.


Bust of General San Martin, grotto with a statue of the Virgin of Lujan, and a flag mast at Base ‘Esperanza’, Hope Bay (Lat 63°24'S, Long 56°59'W), erected in 1955 together with a graveyard with stele in memory of members of Argentine expeditions who died in the area.


Stone hut on Paulet Island (Lat 63°35'S, Long 55°47'W), built in February 1903 by the Norwegian C. A. Larsen, of the Swedish South Polar Expedition led by Otto Nordenskjold, together with the grave of a member of that expedition.


Area at Scotia Bay, Laurie Island, South Orkney Island (Lat 60°46'S, Long 44°40'W), in which are found: stone hut built in 1903 by the Scottish Expedition led by W. S. Bruce; the Argentine Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory, built in 1903; and a graveyard with seven tombs dating from 1903.


Cross erected in 1955, at a distance of 1,300 metres north-east of the Argentine Base ‘General Belgrano’ at Piedrabuena Bay, Filchner Ice Shelf (Lat 77°49'S, Long 38°02'W).


Plaque erected at the temporary Indian station ‘Dakshin Gangotri’, Princess Astrid Kyst, Dronning Maud Land (Lat 70°45'S, Long 11°38'E), listing the names of the members of the First Indian Antarctic Expedition which landed nearby on 9 January 1982.


Plaque on Brabant Island, on Metchnikoff Point, (Lat 64°02'S, Long 62°34'W), erected by de Gerlache to commemorate the first landing on Brabant Island by the Belgian Antarctic expedition 1897–99.


The buildings and installations of Port Martin base, Terre Adelie (Lat 66°49'S, Long 141°24'E) constructed in 1950 by the 3rd French expedition and partly destroyed by fire during the night of 23 to 24 January 1952.


Wooden building called ‘Base Marret’ on the Ile des Petrels, Terre Adelie (Lat 66°40'S, Long 140°01'E).


Cross erected on the North-East headland of the Ile des Petrels, Terre Adelie (Lat 66°40'S, Long 140°01'E) in memory of Andre Prudhomme.


The concrete pillar erected in January 1959 by the First Polish Antarctic Expedition at Dobrolowski Station on the Bunger Hill (Lat 66°16.3'S, Long 100°45'E, h=35.4m) to measure acceleration due to gravity.


A commemorative plaque mounted on a sea cliff on the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Maxwell Bay (Lat 62°12'S, Long 58°54'W), south-west of the Chilean and Soviet stations in memory of Professor Siedlecki Tazar.


The grave of Wlodzimierz Puchalski, surmounted by an iron cross, on a hill to the south of Arctowski Station on King George Island (Lat 62°09'S, Long 58°28'W).


Monolith erected to commemorate the establishment in February 1985 of the ‘Great Wall Station’ on Fildes Peninsula,King George Island (Lat 62°13'S, Long 58°58'W), in the South Shetland Islands.


Monoliths and commemorative plaques and bronze busts of Luis Pardo Villalon on Elephant Island (Lat 61°03'S., Long 54°50'W.) and their replicas on the Chilean bases ‘Arturo Prat’ (Lat 62°30'S., Long 59°49'W.) and ‘Rodolfo Marsh’ (Lat 62°12'S., Long 62°12'W.), celebrating the rescue of survivors of the British ship “Endurance” by the Chilean Navy cutter “Yelcho”.


Richard E. Byrd Historic Monument, McMurdo Station, Antarctica (Lat 77°51'S, Long 166°40'E) with inscriptions describing the polar achievements of Richard Evelyn Byrd.


East Base, Antarctica, Stonington Island (Lat 68°11'S, Long 67°00'W). Buildings and artefacts used during the Antarctic Service Expedition (1940–41) and the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1947–48).


Waterboat Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula (Lat 64°49'S, Long 62°52'W). The remains and immediate environs of the Waterboat Point hut, situated close to the unoccupied Chilean station, ‘President Gabriel Gonzalez Videla’.


Commemorative plaque at Yankee Bay, MacFarland Strait, Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, near the Chilean refuge located at Lat 62°32'S, Long 59°45'W, to the memory of Captain Robert MacFarlane.


Cairn with memorial plaque erected at Whalers' Bay, Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, in the vicinity of the whalers' cemetery (Lat 62°59'S, Long 60°34'W) to honour Captain Adolfus Amadus Andresen.


A cairn on Half Moon beach, Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands (Lat 62°29'S, Long 60°47'W), commemorating the officers, soldiers and seamen on board the San Telmo, which sank in September 1819.


Wooden plaque and rock cairn located at Penguins bay, southern coast of Seymour Island (Marambio), James Ross Archipelago (Lat 64°16'00"S, Long 56°39'10'W) in memory of the 1903 Swedish Expedition led by Dr Otto Nordenskjold.


Regulation 16

No. 1 Seal Islands, South Shetland Islands Lat. 60°59'S; Long. 55°23'W

The Seal Islands are composed of small islands and skerries located approximately 7 km north of the northwest corner of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands. The Seal Islands Protected Place includes the entire Seal Islands group, which is defined as Seal Island plus any land or rocks exposed at mean low tide within a distance of 5.5 km of the point of highest elevation on Seal Island. Seal Island is the largest island of the group, and is situated at Lat. 60°59'S, Long. 55°23'W.

The Seal Islands cover an area approximately 5.7 km from east to west and 5 km from north to south. Seal Island is joined to the adjacent island to the west by a narrow sand bar that is approximately 50 m long.


No. 2 Cape Shirreff and the San Telmo Islands, South Shetland Islands Lat. 62°27'S; Long. 60°47'W

Cape Shirreff is a low, ice-free peninsula towards the western end of the north coast of Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, situated at Lat. 62°27'S, Long. 60°47'W, between Barclay Bay and Hero Bay. San Telmo Island is the largest of a small group of ice-free rock islets, approximately 2 km west of Cape Shirreff. Cape Shirreff is approximately 3 km from north to south and 0.5 to 1.2 km from east to west.

No man-made markers indicate the limits of the Protected Place, the boundaries being defined by natural features (i.e. coastlines or glacial margins). Its southern boundary is bordered by a permanent glacial ice barrier, which is located at the narrowest part of the Cape. The eastern side of the base of the Cape has two beaches with a total length of about 600 m. Above this the extremity of the Cape has a rocky barrier about 150 m long. The western side is formed by almost continuous cliffs 10 to 15 m high. Near the southern base of the Cape on the western side is a small sandy beach approximately 50 m long.
