
Regulation 11




1.  This Schedule shall apply only to pigs and birds.


2.  In this Schedule “bird” means any domestic fowl or turkey.


The killing of pigs by exposure to carbon dioxide

3.—(1) Subject to paragraphs 4 to 6 below, pigs may be killed at a slaughterhouse by exposure to carbon dioxide gas mixture in a chamber provided for the purpose (hereinafter referred to as “a chamber”).

(2) For the purposes of this Part, a carbon dioxide gas mixture (hereinafter referred to as the “gas mixture”) shall mean at least 70% carbon dioxide by volume in atmospheric air.

Construction of the chamber

4.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used shall ensure that—

(a)the chamber and the equipment used for conveying any pig through the gas mixture are designed, constructed and maintained—

(i)so as to avoid injury to any pig;

(ii)so as to avoid compression of the chest of any pig;

(iii)so as to enable each pig to remain upright until it loses consciousness;

(iv)so as to enable the pigs to see each other as they are conveyed in the chamber; and

(v)so that once a pig enters the chamber, it is conveyed to the point in the chamber of maximum concentration of the gas mixture within a maximum period of 30 seconds;

(b)there is a means of visually monitoring pigs which are in the chamber;

(c)adequate lighting is provided in the conveying mechanism and the chamber to allow pigs to see other pigs or their surroundings;

(d)the installation has an apparatus which maintains the required concentration by volume of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture in the chamber;

(e)the chamber is fitted with devices which—

(i)measure the concentration by volume of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture at the point of maximum exposure;

(ii)when the chamber is in operation, continuously display the concentration by volume of carbon dioxide as a percentage of the gas mixture at the point of maximum concentration in the chamber; and

(iii)give clearly visible and audible warning signals if the concentration by volume of carbon dioxide falls below 70%;

(f)there is a means of flushing the chamber with atmospheric air with the minimum of delay; and

(g)there is a means of access to any pig with the minimum of delay.

The operation of the chamber

5.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used shall ensure that—

(a)each pig is exposed to the gas mixture for long enough to ensure that it is killed;

(b)any such chamber is properly maintained; and

(c)every person engaged in the killing is properly instructed as to—

(i)the method of operation of the chamber;

(ii)the procedures for any necessary flushing of the chamber with atmospheric air; and

(iii)the procedures for any necessary evacuation of pigs from the chamber.

6.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used and any person engaged in the killing of pigs by exposure to carbon dioxide shall ensure that—

(a)no pig enters the chamber if the displayed concentration by volume of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture falls below 70%; and

(b)no pig is passed through or allowed to remain in the chamber at any time when the visible and audible warning signals provided for in paragraph 4(e)(iii) above have been activated or when there is any defect in the operation of the chamber.


The killing of birds by exposure to gas mixtures

7.—(1) Subject to paragraphs 8 to 10 below, birds may be killed at a slaughterhouse by exposure to an anoxic gas mixture which rapidly renders birds insensible to pain or distress in a chamber provided for the purpose (hereinafter referred to as “a chamber”).

(2) In this Part “gas mixture” means either—

(a)a maximum of 2% total oxygen by volume and 90% argon (or other inert gas) by volume in atmospheric air; or

(b)25% to 30% carbon dioxide by volume and 60% argon (or other inert gas) by volume in atmospheric air.

Construction of the chamber

8.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used shall ensure that—

(a)the chamber and the equipment used for conveying any bird through the gas mixture are designed, constructed and maintained—

(i)so as to avoid injury to any bird; and

(ii)so that once a bird enters into the chamber it is conveyed to the point in the chamber of maximum concentration of the gas mixture within a maximum period of 10 seconds;

(b)the installation has an apparatus which maintains the required concentration by volume of oxygen or carbon dioxide, as appropriate, in the chamber;

(c)the chamber is fitted with devices which—

(i)measure the concentration by volume of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the gas mixture, as appropriate, at the point of maximum concentration;

(ii)when the chamber is in operation, display continuously the concentration by volume of oxygen or carbon dioxide, as appropriate, as a percentage of the total gas mixture at the point of maximum concentration in the chamber; and

(iii)give clearly visible and audible warning signals—

(aa)where the gas mixture used is that mentioned at paragraph 7(2)(a) above, if the concentration by volume of oxygen rises above 5% for more than 30 seconds; and

(bb)where the gas mixture used is that mentioned at paragraph 7(2)(b) above, if the concentration by volume of carbon dioxide falls below 25% or rises above 30%.

(d)there is a means of visually monitoring birds which are in the chamber;

(e)there is a means of flushing the chamber with atmospheric air with the minimum delay; and

(f)there is a means of access to any bird in any part of the chamber with the minimum of delay.

The operation of the chamber

9.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used shall ensure that—

(a)the birds are exposed to the gas mixture for long enough to ensure that they are killed;

(b)the chamber is properly maintained; and

(c)every person engaged in the gas killing is properly instructed as to—

(i)the method of operation of the chamber;

(ii)the procedures for any necessary flushing of the chamber with atmospheric air; and

(iii)the procedures for any necessary evacuation of birds from the chamber.

10.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse at which a chamber is used and any person engaged in the killing of birds by exposure to the gas mixture shall ensure that—

(a)any bird which arrives at the installation in a transport crate and which is removed from the crate before it enters the chamber is handled with care and in such a way that the bird is not caused avoidable pain or suffering;

(b)no bird enters the chamber if, as appropriate—

(i)the displayed concentration of oxygen is above 2% by volume, except that the concentration of oxygen may occasionally rise to a concentration of not more than 5% by volume for not more than 30 seconds; or

(ii)the displayed concentration of carbon dioxide is below 25% by volume or above 30% by volume;

(c)no bird is passed through or allowed to remain in the chamber at any time when the visible and audible warning signals provided for in paragraph 8(c)(iii) above have been activated or when there is any defect in the operation of the chamber; and

(d)no bird is shackled before it is dead.