The Education (Grant-maintained and Grant-maintained Special Schools) (Finance) Regulations 1995

Regulation 30(2)

SCHEDULE 4References in this Schedule to a numbered paragraph are references to the paragraph so numbered in the Part of this Schedule in which the reference appears.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Bromley; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(m) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and


(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.22;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.94;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980(1) multiplied by 0.1709;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on that date were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.3126;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square feet) which represents the floor area of the school buildings multiplied by 0.5657; and

(m)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (1) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on l9th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall, subject to paragraph 5, determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the “amount per pupil” used in respect of the school under the 1994 Regulations; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.—(1) For the purpose of this paragraph—

(a)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the 1994-95 CFF floor” is the amount determined in respect of each school under regulation 31(5) or (6) (as the case may be);

(b)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the pure 1994-95 CFF share” is the amount calculated in respect of each school under regulation 25(2) or (3)(ii) of the 1994 Regulations (as the case may be);

(c)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the deviation from the CFF floor” is the amount which equals the 1994-95 CFF floor less the pure 1994-95 CFF share. (Where a school’s pure 1994-95 CFF share is less than its 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be positive, and where the pure 1994-95 CFF share is greater than the 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be negative.)

(2) The funding authority shall—

(a)in a case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is greater than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) by a sum equal to the deviation from the CFF floor;

(b)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is either—

(i)greater than zero and less than the deviation from the CFF floor, or

(ii)less than zero and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero, reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to zero;

(c)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is less than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is less than zero, redetermine the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to be equal to the deviation from the CFF floor.

6.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

8.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 9 as the “number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the figure determined under paragraph 3(m) the amount which is equal to the figure determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

9.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(1) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on l9th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.22;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12; (

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.25;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on l9th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1091:

(k)the number (expressed as a percentage) appearing to them to represent the share treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the share which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the school’s share of funding allocated in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils who have special educational needs multiplied by 4.8065; and

(l)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (k) above;

(ii)54.5331; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 21.8132.

4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall, subject to paragraph 5, determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the “amount per pupil” used in respect of the school under the 1994 Regulations; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.—(1) For the purposes of this paragraph—

(a)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the 1994-95 CFF floor” is the amount determined in respect of each school under regulation 31(5) or (6) (as the case may be);

(b)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the pure 1994-95 CFF share” is the amount calculated in respect of each school under regulation 25(2) or 25(3)(ii) of the 1994 Regulations (as the case may be);

(c)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the deviation from the CFF floor” is the amount which equals the 1994-95 CFF floor less the pure 1994-95 CFF share. (Where a school’s pure 1994-95 CFF share is less than its 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be positive, and where the pure 1994-95 CFF share is greater than the 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be negative.)

(2) The funding authority shall—

(a)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is greater than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) by a sum equal to the deviation from the CFF floor;

(b)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is either—

(i)greater than zero and less than the deviation from the CFF floor, or

(ii)less than zero and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero, reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to zero;

(c)in the case where the amount determined in paragraph 4(c) is less than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is less than zero, redetermine the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to be equal to the deviation from the CFF floor.

6.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(1) (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

8.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 9 as the “number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the figure determined under paragraph 3(1) the amount which is equal to the figure determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

9.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Essex County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority, or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(i) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”). as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.22;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.57;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1815;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on that date who were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.0726;

(f)the number (expressed as a percentage) appearing to them to represent the school’s share (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the share which would have been the school’s share had the school been covered by the scheme) of funding treated by the authority under their scheme as funding for pupils who have special educational needs allocated in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme but using the reading test data used in the preceding financial year for the purposes of paragraph 10(f) of Part II of Schedule 4 to the 1994 Regulations, multiplied by 7.5626;

(g)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as in the London Weighting area, the number appearing to the funding authority to be the aggregate of the number referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above and the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) above multiplied by 0.0230;

(h)in the case of The Alderman Blaxill School the number appearing to them to be the aggregate of the numbers of registered pupils referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above multiplied by 0.0315; and

(i)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) above;

(ii)108.9008; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 21.1752, 42.3504 or 84.7008 according to the weighting (as 1, 2 or 4 respectively) applicable to the school for this factor under the authority’s scheme.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(i) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the "total number of funding units for the authority").

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Gloucestershire County Council; and “school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(1) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.28;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.70;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.2100;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purposes of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year beginning in 1995 as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.1260; and

(l)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (k) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall, subject to paragraph 5, determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the “amount per pupil” used in respect of the school under the 1994 Regulations; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.—(1) For the purpose of this paragraph—

(a)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the 1994-95 CFF floor” is the amount determined in respect of each school under regulation 31(5) or (6) (as the case may be);

(b)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the pure 1994-95 CFF share” is the amount calculated in respect of each school under regulation 25(2) or (3)(ii) of the 1994 Regulations (as the case may be);

(c)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the deviation from the CFF floor” is the amount which equals the 1994-95 CFF floor less the pure 1994-95 CFF share. (Where a school’s pure 1994-95 CFF share is less than its 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be positive, and where the pure 1994-95 CFF share is greater than the 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be negative.)

(2) The funding authority shall—

(a)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is greater than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) by a sum equal to the deviation from the CFF floor;

(b)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is either—

(i)greater than zero and less than the deviation from the CFF floor, or

(ii)less than zero and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero,

  • reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to zero;

(c)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is less than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is less than zero, redetermine the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to be equal to the deviation from the CFF floor.

6.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(1) (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

8.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 9 as the “number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the figure determined under paragraph 3(1) the amount which is equal to the figure determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

9.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Hillingdon; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(m) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th September 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th September 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.05;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th September 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.42;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1157;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula prepared by the Hillingdon Association of Secondary Headteachers in the financial year beginning in 1994, based on reading tests administered to pupils in that financial year, multiplied by 0.2755;

(l)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determined in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determined, had the school been covered by the scheme, would have included) an amount by reason of the small number of registered pupils at the school, the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.0937; and

(m)the aggregate of

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c) (f) and (i) to (l) above;


(iii)in the case of Bishop Ramsey School 66.1342; and

(iv)in the case of The Douay Martyrs School 33.0671.

4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 15th September 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine, subject to paragraph 5, an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the “amount per pupil” used in respect of the school under the 1994 Regulations; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.—(1) For the purposes of this paragraph—

(a)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the 1994-95 CFF floor” is the amount determined in respect of each school under regulation 31(5) or (6) (as the case may be); (b) the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the pure 1994-95 CFF share” is the amount calculated in respect of each school under regulation 25(2) or 25(3)(ii) of the 1994 Regulations (as the case may be);

(c)the amount referred to in respect of each school as “the deviation from the CFF floor” is the amount which equals the 1994-95 CFF floor less the pure 1994-95 CFF share. (Where a school’s pure 1994-95 CFF share is less than its 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be positive, and where the pure 1994-95 CFF share is greater than the 1994-95 CFF floor this figure will be negative).

(2) The funding authority shall—

(a)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is greater than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is greater than zero reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) by a sum equal to the deviation from the CFF floor;

(b)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is either—

(i)greater than zero and less than the deviation from the CFF floor, or

(ii)less than zero and the deviation from the CFF foot is greater than zero, reduce the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to zero;

(c)in the case where the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) is less than the deviation from the CFF floor and the deviation from the CFF floor is less than zero, redetermine the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) to be equal to the deviation from the CFF floor.

6.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

8.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 9 as the “number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the figure determined under paragraph 3(m) the amount which is equal to the figure determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

9.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Barnet; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 4th September 1995 who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 16 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 4th September 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.24;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 4th September 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.64;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1428;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on that date were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.0503;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purposes of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year beginning in 1995 as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.0281; and

(m)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f), and (i) to (l) above;


(iii)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square metres) treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme), for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question, as the building cleaning area multiplied by 1 6.3078; and

(iv)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 36.3172, multiplied in the case of—

  • Copthall School by 1.12,

  • Hasmonean High School by 1.78,

  • East Barnet School by 1.86, and

  • St. James Catholic High School by 2.19.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Brent; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.10;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.30;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1449;

(e)the number appearing to them to represent the school’s share (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the share which would have been the school’s share had the school been covered by the scheme) of funding treated by the authority under their scheme as funding for pupils who have special educational needs and allocated in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme multiplied by 0.0824;

(f)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square feet) treated by the authority under their scheme (or where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as representing the floor area of the school buildings multiplied by 0.6549; and

(g)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) above;


(iii)in the case of Alperton High School, 80.7778; and

(iv)in the case of Kingsbury High School, 80.7778 multiplied by 1.76.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Cambridgeshire County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(p) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 2 i.e. who had not attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered-pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 2 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above multiplied by 0.73;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. aged 11, 12 or 13 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. aged 11, 12 or 13 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.27;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(k)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(l)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (j) and (k) above multiplied by 1.66;

(m)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1717;

(n)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on that date were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.1901;

(o)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determined in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determined, had the school been covered by the scheme, would have included) an amount in respect of the turnover of pupils. the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.1656; and

(p)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c),(f),(i), and (l) to (o) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(p) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(p) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Croydon; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(n) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school” '), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.06:

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12:

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.53:

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.0819;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the aggregate of the numbers of registered pupils at the school on 21st January 1993, 20th January 1994 and 19th January 1995 who were entitled to be provided with such meals divided by 3 and multiplied by 0.2566;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square metres) treated by the authority under their scheme ( or where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as representing the floor area of the school buildings multiplied by 1.0630;

(m)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in acres) treated by the authority under their scheme ( or where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as representing the site area of the school grounds multiplied by 3.3453; and

(n)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (m) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(n) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(n) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Cumbria County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(o) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.20;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.57;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1014;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme having regard to the “Richmond Reading Test” (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purposes of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.3483;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square metres) treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the cleaned floor area of the school buildings, as therein defined. multiplied by 9.9538:

(m)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determined in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determined, had the school been covered by the scheme, would have included) an amount by reason of the small number of registered pupils at the school, the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.2037;

(n)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) above multiplied by 0.0137; and

(o)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (n) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(o) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(o) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Ealing; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(g) (referred to below in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”, as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.19;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.25;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1472;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.0148;

(f)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square feet) treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as representing the cleaned floor area of the school buildings as therein defined multiplied by 1.0184; and

(g)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) above;

(ii)40.8794; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 21.9366.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Enfield: and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(1) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994. multiplied by 5/12:

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.28;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.64;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1630;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on that date were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.3127; and

(l)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (k) above;


(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of' a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 34.7653; and

(iv)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as a small school, 30.9628.

4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(1) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(1) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Hertfordshire County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(o) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 2 i.e. who had not attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 2 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above, multiplied, in the case of a secondary school which is a middle school, by 0.69;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who have attained the age of 11, 12, or 13 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 3 i.e. who will have attained the age of 11, 12 or 13 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.28;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(k)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 18th January 1996 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(l)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (j) and (k) above multiplied by 1.39;

(m)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1151;

(n)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purposes of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.2302; and

(o)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f), (i) and (l) to (n) above;

(ii)the number which is the number of registered pupils at the school, rounded down to the nearest 100, divided by 100, subtracted from 14, and multiplied, in the case of a secondary school which is a middle school, by 6.2156 or, in any other case, by 10.3594;

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school; would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as in the London Weighting area, the number appearing to the funding authority to be the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f), (i), (l) above multiplied by 0.0173; and

(iv)the number appearing to them (expressed in thousands of square metres) to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the area of the kitchen, swimming pool and rest of the site excluding the grounds (as defined in the scheme) multiplied by 4.8919.

4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 19th January 1995, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5: and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(o) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(o) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Kent County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(h) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1994 multiplied, in the case of a secondary school which is a middle school, by 0.69;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 11, 12 or 13 on 31st August 1994;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on l9th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.14;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.5;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1478;

(f)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils having special educational needs multiplied by 0.0895;

(g)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as in the London Weighting area, the number appearing to the funding authority to be the aggregate of the number referred to in sub-paragraph (b) above and the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) above multiplied by 0.02; and

(h)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (g) above:


(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, the aggregate of the numbers referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) above multiplied by 0.013;

(iv)the number appearing to them (expressed in thousands of square metres) to be the number which represents the area of the site, referred to in the authority’s scheme as the building maintenance area, multiplied by 9.3457.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determine under paragraph 3(h) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames: and “school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994:

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.46;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.2142;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on that date who were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.1296;

(f)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.1952; and

(g)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) above:

(ii)112.1082; and

(iii)in the case of the school maintained by the authority and known as Tolworth Girls' School, 16.4907.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determine under paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Lambeth: and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(h) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age 14 on 31st August 1994;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.12;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.30;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1356;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils having special educational needs multiplied by 0.0734;

(f)the number appearing to the funding authority to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school. the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as representing the school’s floor area (expressed in square metres) multiplied by the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 then divided by one million and then multiplied by 9.8644;

(g)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determine in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determine, had the school been covered by the scheme, would have included) an amount by reason of the small number of registered pupils at the school. the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.3754: and

(h)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (g) above;

(ii)4.7895; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 4.2458 multiplied by the number of points applicable to the school for this factor under the authority’s scheme.

4.  In the case of the school maintained by the authority known as Dick Sheppard School (in respect of which proposals under section 12 of the Education Act 1980 to cease to maintain the school fall to be implemented on a date in the financial year in question) the funding authority shall determine the number calculated in accordance with the formula—

, where

  • P is the total number of funding units for the school; and

  • Q is the number of days in that year which precede the date on which the authority are to cease to maintain the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determine under paragraph 3(h) or, where paragraph 4 applies, that paragraph (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school (or, where paragraph 4 applies, by the number determine in accordance with that paragraph).


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Lincolnshire County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(e) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on l9th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.48;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.0924; and

(e)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) above; and


4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determine in accordance with paragraph 3(e) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Surrey County Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(o) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 21st September 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 21st September 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995. multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.13;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 21st September 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.59;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1480;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on that date who were entitled to be provided with such meals multiplied by 0.0922;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school. the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils having special educational needs multiplied by 0.1239;

(m)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determined in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determined, had the school been covered by the scheme, would have included) an amount by reason of the small number of registered pupils at the school, the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.2073;

(n)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square metres) treated by the authority under their scheme (or where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as representing the floor area of the school buildings multiplied by 4.6134; and

(o)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (n) above:

(ii)80.7360; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 30.l908.

4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 15th September 1994. differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers under paragraph 3(o) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the “total number of funding units for the school”) obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(o) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Sutton: and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994:

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.07:

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.52:

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1833;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purposes of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.6532:

(f)where it appears to the funding authority that the school’s budget share for the financial year in question determined in accordance with the authority’s scheme includes (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, that the school’s budget share so determined, had the school been covered by the scheme. would have included) an amount in respect of training targets. the number appearing to them to be the number applicable (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school. which would have been applicable) to the school in accordance with the authority’s scheme in respect of that factor multiplied by 0.2471; and

(g)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) above:

(ii)88.9594; and

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme (or in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as attracting an additional learning support supplement as defined in the scheme, 4.5814.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of funding units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 15th September 1995 who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 15th September 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.29;

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 15th September 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.41;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1655;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as the number of registered pupils at the school having special educational needs multiplied by 0.2803;

(l)the number appearing to them to be the number (expressed in thousands of square metres) treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) for the purpose of determining the budget share of the school for the financial year in question as representing the floor area of the school for the purposes of routine maintenance and restoration as therein defined multiplied by 6.6181; and

(m)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (l) above; and


4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined in accordance with paragraph 3(m) (referred to in paragraph 5 as the “total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means the London Borough of Wandsworth; and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(1) (referred to below in this Part of this Schedule as the “total number of base units for the school”), as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who had not attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12:

(b)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 28th September 1995 in age band 3 i.e. who will not have attained the age of 14 on 31st August 1995, multiplied by 7/12;

(c)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(e)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 28th September 1995 in age band 4 i.e. aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(f)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above multiplied by 1.62:

(g)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994, multiplied by 5/12;

(h)the number which the funding authority estimate will be the number of registered pupils at the school on 28th September 1995 in age band 5 i.e. aged 16 or over on 31st August 1995 multiplied by 7/12;

(i)the aggregate of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (g) and (h) above multiplied by 1.87;

(j)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.1399;

(k)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils having special educational needs multiplied by 0.0318;

(l)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (f) and (i) to (k) above; and


4.  Where the number, which appears to the funding authority, to be the number of registered pupils in a particular age band at the school on 29th September 1994, differs from the number of registered pupils of that particular age band which it was estimated, for the purposes of determining the amount of that school’s annual maintenance grant or budget share in the preceding financial year, would be at the school on that date then the funding authority shall determine an amount in respect of such category of pupils by—

(a)subtracting that estimated number from that actual number of registered pupils and multiplying the resulting amount by the amount specified in relation to the authority in whichever is the appropriate of column 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the Table in Schedule 5 in relation to that age band and by the proportion of that preceding year in respect of which pupil numbers were estimated (expressed as a fraction in the entry for the authority in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 5);

(b)multiplying the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above by the age band 3 unit cost for the authority in column 6 in the Table in Schedule 5; and

(c)subtracting from the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above any amount previously made available for the purposes of the school because of an increase in the number of registered pupils at the school.

5.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(1) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “total number of base units for the authority”).

6.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 7 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority less the aggregate of the amounts determined under paragraph 4(c) by the total number of base units for the authority.

7.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 8 as the "total number of funding units for the school") obtained by adding to the amount determined under paragraph 3(1) the amount determined under paragraph 4(c) divided by the amount per pupil.

8.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1.  In this Part—

“the authority” means Wiltshire County Council: and

“school” means a grant-maintained secondary school situated in the area of the authority or a secondary school maintained by the authority.

2.  The funding authority shall determine for each school the aggregate number referred to in paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 6 as the "total number of funding units for the school") as follows.

3.  The funding authority shall determine in respect of each school—

(a)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who had not attained the age of 11 on 31st August 1994 multiplied, in the case of a secondary school which is a middle school, by 0.77;

(b)the number appearing to them to be the number of pupils registered at the school on 19th January 1995 who had attained the age of 11, 12 or 13 on 31st August 1994;

(c)the number appearing to them to be the number of pupils registered at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 14 or 15 on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.32;

(d)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 aged 16 or over on 31st August 1994 multiplied by 1.77;

(e)the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school who on 19th January 1995 were provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 multiplied by 0.2395;

(f)the number appearing to them to be the number treated by the authority under their scheme (or, where the school is a grant-maintained school, the number which would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as the number of points allocated to the school in accordance with the allocation formula under the authority’s scheme for pupils having special educational needs multiplied by 0.8231; and

(g)the aggregate of—

(i)the numbers calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) above,

(ii)74.6146 in the case of secondary schools which are middle schools and 74.6146 multiplied by 1.5 in all other cases,

(iii)where it appears to the funding authority that the school is treated by the authority in accordance with their scheme for the financial year in question (or, in the case of a grant-maintained school, would have been so treated had the school been covered by the scheme) as having a split site, 32.5564 or, in the case of a school which received the higher of two possible allocations under the authority’s scheme for the preceding financial year; 32.5564 multiplied by 1.5;

(iv)in the case of Hardenhuish School, 32.5564;

(v)if the number appearing to the funding authority to be the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995 who were entitled to be provided with free school meals under section 22(3) or (3A) of the Education Act 1980 (represented by “A” below) is more than 10% of the number appearing to them to be the number of registered pupils at the school on that date (represented by “B” below), the number calculated in accordance with the formula—

(vi)the number (if there are fewer than 187 pupils registered at the school) which appears to the funding authority to be the difference between the total number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January l995 and 187, multiplied by 0.76;

(vii)in cases where the average number referred to below is more than 30% of the number of registered pupils at the school on 19th January 1995, the average number of registered pupils at the school who have a parent serving in the Armed Forces of the Crown, calculated on a monthly basis between 1st January 1994 and 31st December 1994, multiplied by 0.1592.

4.  The funding authority shall determine the number which is the aggregate of the aggregate numbers determined under paragraph 3(g) (referred to in paragraph 5 as “the total number of funding units for the authority”).

5.  The funding authority shall determine the amount (referred to in paragraph 6 as the “amount per pupil”) obtained by dividing the adjusted secondary schools total for the authority by the total number of funding units for the authority.

6.  The funding authority shall determine as the amount of each school’s CFF share the amount obtained by multiplying the amount per pupil by the total number of funding units for the school.


1980 c. 20; subsection (3) was amended, and subsection (3A) of section 22 was inserted, by the Social Security Act 1986 (c. 50), section 77(1) and the Education Reform Act 1988 (c. 40), Schedule 12, paragraph 24 respectively.