
Article 3


Column 1Column 2Column 3
CountriesICES area (as defined in article 2)Descriptions of fish

“Other white fish by-catches” means by-catches of fish of descriptions other than those specified in column 3 in relation to the Faroe Islands.


“Other species” means fish of descriptions other than those specified in column 3 in relation to Norway, subject to the qualification that catches of sole shall be limited to by-catches.


“Combined quota species” means grenadier or rat-tails, mora mora, greater forkbeard.


“Dogfish” includes grey shark, black shark, bird-beak dogfish, leafscale gulper shark, greater lantern shark, smooth lantern shark and Portuguese dogfish.

Faroe IslandsIVa, b, cHorse mackerel, Norway pout, sand eels, sprat, other white fish by-catches (note (a)).
Part of VIaLing, tusk, blue ling, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, Norway pout, sprat, blue whiting.
VIbLing, tusk, blue ling, blue whiting.
VIIe, f, hMackerel, horse mackerel.
All sub-areas and divisionsPorbeagle.
NorwayIIaMackerel, blue whiting, argentine, blue ling, ling, tusk, Greenland halibut, other species (note (b)).
IVaAll species.
IVbAll species except for mackerel.
IVcAll species except for herring and mackerel.
VbBlue ling, ling, tusk, combined quota species (note (c)).
Part of VIaMackerel, blue whiting, argentine, herring, Norway pout.
VILing, blue ling, tusk, dogfish (note (d)), basking shark, porbeagle, blue whiting, argentine, Greenland halibut, combined quota species (note (c)).
VIIBlue ling, ling, tusk, dogfish (note (d)), basking shark, porbeagle, combined quota species (note (c)).
VIId, e, f, hMackerel.