Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

Part III of the Environment Act 1995 provides for the establishment by order under section 63 of that Act of National Park authorities which will be the local planning authority for their respective National Parks. By virtue of the National Park Authorities (Wales) Order 1995 (S.I. 1995/2803) National Park authorities for the National Parks in Wales were established on 23 November 1995. They became the local planning authorities for their respective National Parks on 1 April 1996.

This Order amends S. I. 1995/2803 to provide for a modification in the application of Part III of Schedule 5 to the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994 in relation to the National Park authorities in Wales. Part III of Schedule 5 to the 1994 Act contains provision whereby work may be continued in relation to the preparation and adoption of local plans and of structure plan alterations, notwithstanding the provision for the introduction of unitary development plans. The modification effected by this Order is necessary in view of the fact that three of the new local planning authorities in Wales will now be National Park authorities.

This Order also amends S. I. 1995/2803 so that it applies, with modifications, the Local Government Reorganisation (Compensation for Loss of Remuneration) Regulations 1995 (S. I. 1995 No. 2837) to the National Park authorities in Wales. Those Regulations include provision for compensation for loss of remuneration as a result of local government reorganisation in Wales. This Order ensures that local government staff in Wales who transfer to the employment of a National Park authority in Wales are covered by those compensation provisions.