
Regulation 4


1.  Conduct likely to bring discredit on the police force or service, including–

(a)insubordination or incivility;

(b)corrupt practice;

(c)breach of confidence;

(d)drinking any intoxicating liquor while on duty or being unfit for duty through such liquor;

(e)suppression of complaints;

(f)wilful or careless damage to, or loss of, property belonging to the police authority or within the care of the police;

(g)disorderly conduct; or

(h)acting towards, or treating, any person in an oppressive or improper manner.

2.  Failure to comply, without good and sufficient cause, with a lawful order.

3.  Failure to report any matter which it is the constable’s duty to report or to account for any act or omission occurring in the ordinary course of duty which he has a duty to account for.

4.  Neglect of duty.

5.  Wilful or careless falsehood.

6.  Malingering.

7.  Being absent from duty, or being late for duty, without leave.

8.  Contravention of regulation 5 of, or Schedule 1 to, the Police (Scotland) Regulations 1976(1).

9.  Having been found guilty by a criminal court of a criminal offence in any part of the United Kingdom or in any of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.


Regulation 5 was amended by S.I. 1985/111 and 1995/596; Schedule 1 was amended by S.I. 1990/469 and 1993/3081.