Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

1.  These Regulations impose requirements and prohibitions with respect to the health, safety and welfare of persons who work in compressed air (as defined in regulation 2).

2.  The Regulations apply to construction work (within the meaning of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994) and have effect in addition to any applicable provisions of the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 but they do not apply to a diving operation within the meaning of the Diving at Work Regulations 1981 (regulation 3).

3.  The Regulations—

(a)provide for the appointment of a competent contractor (“the compressed air contractor”) to execute or supervise the work in compressed air included in any project (regulation 5);

(b)require specified information to be notified in writing to the Health and Safety Executive (“the Executive”) and to specified hospitals and other bodies before work in compressed air is commenced and for further notification of the termination or suspension of such work (regulation 6);

(c)require work in compressed air to be carried out only in accordance with a safe system of work and under adequate supervision (regulation 7);

(d)impose requirements with regard to the provision, use and maintenance of adequate and suitable plant and equipment (regulation 8);

(e)provide that a contract medical adviser be appointed to advise the compressed air contractor on matters relating to the health of persons who work in compressed air (regulation 9);

(f)impose a requirement on employers for adequate medical surveillance to be carried out in respect of such of their employees who work in compressed air (regulation 10);

(g)require compression and decompression to be carried out safely and in accordance with any procedures approved by the Executive and impose requirements for the making and maintenance of records (regulation 11);

(h)require adequate medical facilities to be provided and maintained for those who work in compressed air (regulation 12);

(i)impose requirements with regard to the preparation of adequate emergency arrangements (regulation 13);

(j)impose requirements with regard to the provision of suitable fire precautions and prohibit the possession of smoking materials in compressed air (regulation 14);

(k)require that adequate instruction, information and training be given to persons who work in compressed air (regulation 15);

(l)impose requirements on—

(i)the compressed air contractor to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons who are to work in compressed air are fit to do so; and

(ii)persons who work in compressed air to inform the compressed air contractor if they are unfit for such work (regulation 16);

(m)prohibit persons working in compressed air if impaired by drink or drugs and prohibit the consumption of alcohol in compressed air (regulation 17);

(n)impose requirements for the provision and maintenance of suitable welfare facilities for persons who work in compressed air (regulation 18);

(o)impose a requirement that, in specified circumstances, badges are to be supplied to persons who have worked in compressed air (regulation 19);

(p)provide a defence in proceedings in respect of specified duties of the compressed air contractor (regulation 20);

(q)provide that the Executive may grant exemptions from any requirement or prohibition of the Regulations in specified circumstances (regulation 21);

(r)provide for the revocation and modification of specified instruments (regulation 22).

4.  A copy of the cost benefit assessment prepared in respect of these Regulations can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive, Safety Policy Directorate, Branch B, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HS. A copy has been placed in the Library of each House of Parliament.