Chapter IXStudents
F1Treatment of payments from access funds136A.
This regulation applies to payments from access funds that are not payments to which regulation 138(2) or (3) (income treated as capital) applies.
A payment from access funds, other than a payment to which paragraph (3) of this regulation applies, shall be disregarded as income.
Subject to paragraph (4) of this regulation and paragraph 38 of Schedule 7, any payments from access funds which are intended and used for food, ordinary clothing or footwearF2..., household fuel, rent for which housing benefit is payable F3or any housing costs to the extent that they are met under regulation 83(f) or 84(1)(g) (housing costs)F4..., of a single claimant or, as the case may be, of F5any other member of his family F5his partner and any payments from access funds which are used for any council tax or water charges for which that claimant or F6member is liable F6partner is liable shall be disregarded as income to the extent of £20 per week.
In paragraph (3) “ordinary clothing or footwear” means clothing or footwear for normal daily use, but it does not include—
school uniforms, or
clothing or footwear used solely for sporting activities.
Where a payment from access funds is made—
on or after 1st September or the first day of the course, whichever first occurs, but before receipt of any student loan in respect of that year and that payment is intended for the purpose of bridging the period until receipt of the student loan; or
before the first day of the course to a person in anticipation of that person becoming a student;
that payment shall be disregarded as income.