UN 1310 AMMONIUM PICRATE, WETTED, with not less than 10% (mass) water
UN 1320 DINITROPHENOL, WETTED, with not less than 15% (mass) water
UN 1321 DINITROPHENOLATES, WETTED, with not less than 15% (mass) water
UN 1322 DINITRORESORCINOL, WETTED, with not less than 15% (mass) water
UN 1326 HAFNIUM POWDER, WETTED, with not less than 25% (mass) water
UN 1336 NITROGUANIDINE (PICRITE), WETTED, with not less than 20% (mass) water
UN 1337 NITROSTARCH, WETTED, with not less than 20% (mass) water
UN 1344 TRINITROPHENOL, WETTED, with not less than 30% (mass) water
UN 1347 SILVER PICRATE, WETTED, with not less than 30% (mass) water
UN 1348 SODIUM DINITRO-o-CRESOLATE, WETTED, with not less than 15% (mass) water
UN 1349 SODIUM PICRAMATE, WETTED, with not less than 20% (mass) water
UN 1352 TITANIUM POWDER, WETTED, with not less than 25% (mass) water
UN 1354 TRINITROBENZENE, WETTED, with not less than 30% (mass) water
UN 1355 TRINITROBENZOIC ACID, WETTED, with not less than 30% (mass) water
UN 1356 TRINITROTOLUENE, WETTED, with not less than 30% (mass) water
UN 1357 UREA NITRATE, WETTED, with not less than 20% (mass) water
UN 1358 ZIRCONIUM POWDER, WETTED, with not less than 25% (mass) water
UN 1517 ZIRCONIUM PICRAMATE, WETTED, with not less than 20% (mass) water
UN 1571 BARIUM AZIDE, WETTED, with not less than 50% (mass) water
UN 2555 NITROCELLULOSE, with not less than 25% (mass) water
UN 2556 NITROCELLULOSE, with not less than 25% (mass) alcohol and not more than 12.6% nitrogen by dry mass
UN 2557 NITROCELLULOSE, with not more than 12.6% nitrogen, by dry mass
UN 2852 DIPICRYL SULPHIDE, WETTED, with not less than 10% (mass) water
UN 2907 ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE MIXTURE, with not less than 60% lactose, mannose, starch or calcium hydrogen phosphate or with other phlegmatizers, provided that such phlegmatizers have inerting properties which are at least as effective
(2) Empty, uncleaned packagings which contain the residues of any of the following goods shall not be accepted for carriage unless steps have been taken to prevent their dangerous decomposition—