

33.  After Part XIII of Chapter 33 (Child Support Act 1991), insert the following Parts:–


Application and interpretation of this Part

33.92.(1) This Part applies where a sheriff, in a family action, refers a matter to the Principal Reporter under section 54 of the Act of 1995 (reference to the Principal Reporter by court).

(2) In this Part, “Principal Reporter” has the meaning assigned in section 93(1) of the Act of 1995.

Intimation to Principal Reporter

33.93.  Where a matter is referred by the sheriff to the Principal Reporter under section 54 of the Act of 1995, the interlocutor making the reference shall be intimated by the sheriff clerk forthwith to the Principal Reporter; and that intimation shall specify which of the conditions in paragraph (2)(a) to (h), (j), (k) or (l) of that section it appears to the sheriff has been satisfied.

Intimation of decision by Principal Reporter

33.94.(1) Where a matter has been referred by the sheriff to the Principal Reporter under section 54 of the Act of 1995 and the Principal Reporter, having made such investigation as he thinks appropriate and having reached the view that compulsory measures of supervision are necessary, arranges a children’s hearing under section 69 of that Act (continuation or disposal of referral by children’s hearing), the Principal Reporter shall intimate to the court which referred the matter to him–

(a)the decision to arrange such children’s hearing;

(b)where there is no appeal made against the decision of that children’s hearing once the period for appeal has expired, the outcome of the children’s hearing; and

(c)where such an appeal has been made, that an appeal has been made and, once determined, the outcome of that appeal.

(2) Where a matter has been referred by the sheriff to the Principal Reporter under section 54 of the Act of 1995 and the Principal Reporter, having made such investigation as he thinks appropriate and having considered whether compulsory measures of supervision are necessary, decides not to arrange a children’s hearing under section 69 of that Act, the Principal Reporter shall intimate that decision to the court which referred the matter to him.


33.95.  Where the sheriff has made an order under section 13 of the Act of 1995 (awards of damages to children), an application by a person for an order by virtue of section 11(1)(d) of that Act (administration of child’s property) may be made in the process of the cause in which the order under section 13 of that Act was made..