
Statutory Instruments

1996 No. 2684


The Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 1996


19th October 1996

Laid before Parliament

25th October 1996

Coming into force

Regulations 1 to 6

16th November 1996

Regulation 7

17th November 1996

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972(1), being the Minister designated(2) for the purposes of that subsection in relation to the regulation and control, in the interests of conservation, of the import, export, landing, keeping, transportation and commercial display of, and trade in and disposal of, fauna and flora (including their parts and derivatives), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:—

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 1996 and shall, except for regulation 7, come into force on 16th November 1996 immediately after the coming into force of articles 1 to 4 of the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Order 1996(3).

(2) Regulation 7 shall come into force on 17th November 1996, immediately after the coming into force of article 5 of the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Order 1996.

(3) In these Regulations “the Act” means the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976(4).

Amendment of Schedule 1 to the Act

2.  In Schedule 1 to the Act (Animals the importation and exportation of which are restricted)(5) for all the words from “This Schedule applies” onwards there shall be substituted “This Schedule does not apply to any kind of animal.”.

Amendment of Schedule 2 to the Act

3.  In Schedule 2 to the Act (Plants the importation and exportation of which are restricted)(6) for all the words from “This Schedule applies” onwards there shall be substituted “This Schedule does not apply to any kind of plant.”.

Amendment of Schedule 3 to the Act

4.  In Schedule 3 to the Act (Items the importation and exportation of which are restricted)(7) for all the words from “This Schedule applies” onwards there shall be substituted “This Schedule does not apply to any item.”.

Amendment of Schedule 4 to the Act

5.  For Schedule 4 to the Act (Animals the sale etc. of which is restricted)(8) there shall be substituted the Schedule set out in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

Amendment of Schedule 5 to the Act

6.  For Schedule 5 to the Act (Plants the sale etc. of which is restricted)(9) there shall be substituted the Schedule set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.


7.  The Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Order 1996 is hereby revoked.

Signed by the authority of the Secretary of State

James Clappison

Parliamentary Secretary of State

Department of the Environment

19th October 1996

Regulation 5


Section 4


This Schedule applies to the following kinds of animal, namely—


1.  Subject to paragraph 2, the kinds of mammals specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name
Vulpes velox hebesNorthern kit fox
Aonyx microdonCameroon clawless otter
Felis bengalensis bengalensisBengal tiger cat
Felis rubiginosaRusty-spotted cat
Felis rufa escuinapaeMexican bobcat
Vicugna vicugnaVicuna
Moschus moschiferus moschiferusHimalayan musk deer
Antilocapra americana sonoriensisSonoran pronghorn
Pseudomys fumousSmoky mouse

2.  The species Aonyx microdon, Felis bengalensis bengalensis, Felis rubiginosa, Antilocapra americana sonoriensis, Moschus moschiferus moschiferus and Vicugna vicugna are specified in this Schedule only in relation to populations excluded from Appendix I of Annex A to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3626/82 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora, as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 558/95.


3.  The kinds of birds specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name
Cathartidae (except Gymnogyps californianus and Vultur gryphus)New World vultures


4.  Subject to paragraph 5, the kinds of reptiles specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name
Crocodylus niloticusNile crocodile
Crocodylus porosusSalt-water crocodile
Bolyeria spp (except B. multocarinata)Round Island boas
Casarea spp (except C. dussumeri)Keel-scaled boas

5.  Crocodylus niloticus and Crocodylus porosus are specified in this Schedule only in relation to populations excluded from Appendix I of Annex A to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3626/82 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora, as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 558/95.


6.  The kinds of fish specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name
Coregonus alpenaeLongjaw cisco
Stizostedion vitreum glaucumBlue walleye

Note: The second column of this Schedule gives a common name or names, where available, and is included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, only the first column is to be taken into account.

Regulation 6


Section 4


AraceaeAlocasia sanderana
CaryocaraceaeCaryocar costaricense
CaryophyllaceaeGymnocarpus prewalskii Melandrium mongolicus Silene mongolica Stellaria palvinata
GentianaceaePrepusa hookeriana
HumiriaceaeVantanea barbourii
JuglandaceaeEngelhardtia pterocarpa
LeguminosaeAmmopiptanthus mongolicum Cynometra hemitomophylla Platymiscium pleiostachyum Tachilgalia versicolor
MelastomataceaeLavoisiera itambana
MeliaceaeGuarea longipetiola
MoraceaeBatocarpus costaricensis
PinaceaeAbies nebrodensis
PodocarpaceaePodocarpus costalis
Saxifragaceae (otherwise known as Grossulariaceae)Ribes sardoum
UlmaceaeCeltis aetnensis
WelwitschiaceaeWelwitschia bainesii
ZingiberaceaeHedychium philippinense

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations are made in consequence of Council Regulation 3626/82 on the implementation in the Community of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (OJ No. L 384, 31.12.1982, p.1; relevant amending instruments are OJ No. L 87, 31.3.88, p.67, OJ No. L 57, 15.3.95, p.l, OJ No. L 284, 28.11.95, p.3.) (“the EC CITES Regulation”). Their effect is to disapply the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (“the Act”) insofar as it has been superseded by the EC CITES Regulation.

Regulations 2 and 3 provide that Schedules 1 and 2 to the Act shall not apply to any kinds of animal or plant. Regulation 4 provides that Schedule 3 to the Act shall not apply to any item. The effect of these provisions is to disapply national import and export restrictions which duplicated restrictions made by the EC CITES Regulation.

Regulation 5, by substituting a new Schedule 4 to the Act (Schedule 4 to the Act specifies the kinds of animals the sale etc. of which is restricted), deletes from that Schedule a number of kinds of animal previously listed. The deletion disapplies national sales restrictions which duplicated restrictions made by the EC CITES Regulation. The new Schedule 4 lists those kinds of animal which were previously listed in that Schedule and on which national controls do not duplicate the EC CITES Regulation.

Regulation 6 deletes from Schedule 5 to the Act (which specifies the kinds of plant the sale etc. of which is restricted) the kinds of plant the sale of which is restricted under Article 6 of the EC CITES Regulation.

Regulation 7 revokes the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Order 1996 which is spent as a consequence of these Regulations.


S.I. 1985/956.


Schedule 1 was substituted by S.I. 1982/1230 and amended by S.I. 1996/2677.


Schedule 2 was substituted by S.I. 1982/1230 and amended by S.I. 1996/2677.


Schedule 3 was substituted by S.I. 1982/1230 (relevant amending instruments to which are S.I. 1983/1609, 1985/1502) and amended by S.I. 1996/2677.


Schedule 4 was added by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (c. 69), section 15(1) and Schedule 10 and amended by S.I. 1996/2677.


Schedule 5 was added by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, section 15(1) and Schedule 10.