Arrangements with highways authorities
54. The following provisions shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the undertaker and the highway authority concerned, have effect:—
“(1) In this article “highway” means a street vested in or maintainable by the highway authority;
(2) Wherever in this article provision is made with respect to the approval or consent of the highway authority, that approval or consent shall be in writing and may be given subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the highway authority may require in the interests of safety and in order to minimise inconvenience to persons using the highway, but shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(3) Prior to seeking approval under paragraph (4) below, the undertaker shall consult the highway authority concerned as to any works and changes in the management of the highway network which may be required to ensure the effective integration of the authorised transit system with other forms of highway traffic and, within 28 days of being requested in writing by the undertaker so to do, the highway authority shall provide the undertaker with its opinion on the subject.
(4) (a) Without prejudice to the application of sections 59 and 60 of the 1991 Act (duty of street authority to co-ordinate and undertakers to co-operate) before commencing any highway operations, the undertaker shall submit to the highway authority for its approval proper and sufficient plans and shall not commence the highway operations until such plans have been approved or settled by arbitration.
(b)If, within 56 days after any plans have been submitted to a highway authority under sub-paragraph (a) above, it has not intimated its disapproval and the grounds of disapproval, it shall be deemed to have approved them.
(c)In the event of any disapproval of plans by a highway authority under this paragraph, the undertaker may re-submit the plans with modifications and, in that event, if the highway authority has not intimated its disapproval and the grounds of disapproval within 28 days of the plans being re-submitted, it shall be deemed to have approved them.
(5) In submitting plans under paragraph (4) above, the undertaker shall—
(a)ensure that the design of any lighting for new station areas is such as not to cause confusion to highway users operating under normal highway lighting;
(b) ensure that the design and positioning of any poles and brackets required for overhead line equipment and the design of foundations, platforms, road islands, substations, electric lines and other apparatus are compatible, so far as reasonably practicable, with street furniture vested in the highway authority; and
(c)ensure that the design of any traffic signalling system for the authorised transit system is fully compatible with traffic signalling for other traffic users whilst achieving priority signalling for tramcars using the authorised transit system wherever practicable.
(6) Except in an emergency or where reasonably necessary to secure the safety of the public no direction or instruction shall be given by the highway authority to the contractors, servants or agents of the undertaker regarding the highway operations without the prior consent in writing of the undertaker:—
(7) To facilitate liaison with the undertaker, the highway authority concerned shall provide so far as is reasonably practicable a representative to attend meetings arranged by the undertaker respecting highway operations.
(8) So much of the authorised works as forms part of or is intended to become public highway, or part of any such highway, and which are not street works as respects which the provisions of Part III of the 1991 Act apply shall be completed in accordance with the reasonable requirements of the local highway authority or, in case of difference between the undertaker and the highway authority as to whether those requirements have been complied with or as to their reasonableness, in accordance with such requirements as may be approved or settled by arbitration.
(9) The undertaker shall not, except with the consent of the highway authority, alter or interfere with any sanitary convenience, refuge, sewer, drain, lamp column, traffic sign, bollard, bin for refuse or road materials or apparatus connected therewith, or any other property or work belonging to, or under the jurisdiction or control of, the highway authority on or under any highway or repairable by them or the access thereto.
(10) The undertaker shall not, except with the consent of the highway authority, deposit any soil or materials or stand any vehicle or plant on or over any highway so as to obstruct or render less safe the use of the highway by any person or, except with the like consent, deposit any soil or materials on any highway except within a hoarding.
(11) The undertaker shall, if reasonably so required by the highway authority, provide and maintain during such time as the undertaker may occupy any part of a highway for the purpose of the construction of any part of the authorised works, temporary ramps for vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic, or both, and any other traffic measures required to protect the safety of road users in accordance with the standard recommended in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual issued for the purposes of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994() in such position as may be necessary to prevent undue interference with the flow of traffic in any highway.
(12) The undertaker shall not place any hoardings on any part of any highway except for such period and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary.
(13) The undertaker shall indemnify the highway authority against any claim which may arise as a result of any subsidence of, or damage to, any highway or any sanitary convenience, refuge, sewer, drain, lamp column, traffic sign, bollard, bin for refuse or road materials or apparatus connected therewith or any other property or work belonging to, or under the jurisdiction or control of, the highway authority on or under any highway, or maintainable by them, which may be caused by, or in consequence of, any act or default of the undertaker, its contractors, servants or agents.
(14) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties any difference arising between the undertaker and the highway authority under this article (other than a difference as to its meaning or construction) shall be determined by arbitration.”