The Products of Animal Origin (Import and Export) Regulations 1996

Exports to other member States

10.—(1) No person shall export or consign for export to another member State any product of animal origin which is covered by one or more of the sets of Regulations specified in Schedule 2 or by Directive 92/118 unless—

(a)it complies with—

(i)the relevant provisions of those Regulations or that Directive;

(ii)any option permitted by any of the directives specified in Schedule 3 which has been exercised by the member State of destination; and

(iii)any additional requirements or health conditions of the member State of destination;

(b)it is accompanied by any documents required by the Regulations referred to in Schedule 2, by Directive 92/118 or by the member State of destination;

(c)where Directive 92/118 requires that a computerised system message, fax or telex is transmitted ahead of the export, at least 24 hours’ notice of the export has been given to the Minister by the exporter; and

(d)if the product is produced, processed, stored in, or supplied from, an establishment which, by virtue of regulation 11 or 12 has to be registered or notified, the establishment is so registered or notified.

(2) No person shall export or consign for export to another member State any product of animal origin in any other case unless it fulfils all the health conditions of the member State of destination, including any documentary requirements.

(3) Each person who has control of an establishment shall ensure that all products of animal origin intended for export to another member State comply with the requirements in paragraph (1) or (2) above.

(4) Where products of animal origin are consigned to more than one destination, they shall be grouped together in as many batches as there are places of destination, and the consignor shall ensure that all documents required in paragraph (1) or (2) above are provided with each batch.

(5) No person shall export or consign for export to another member State any product of animal origin covered by Annex B to Directive 89/662 if it cannot (except for labelling reasons) legally be marketed in Great Britain.

(6) This regulation shall apply without prejudice to the requirements of the Bovine Products (Despatch to other Member States) Regulations 1996(1).