National administrative documents3


The national administrative document referred to in Article 3 of Commission Regulation 3886/92 shall take the form of a document accompanying each specified animal.


A person holding an animal for which no national administrative document has been issued may apply to the appropriate Minister for a national administrative document for that animal.


An application for a national administrative document shall be made in such form as the appropriate Minister may reasonably require.


Following the receipt of such an application, together with such details about the animal to which that application relates as he may reasonably require, the appropriate Minister shall, subject to paragraph (5), issue to the person who made the application a national administrative document for that animal.


Notwithstanding paragraph (4), the appropriate Minister shall not issue a national administrative document for an animal to any person if any requirement of articles 8 to 14 of the Bovine Animals (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 1995 is being contravened in relation to that animal.