



Fees in connection with examinations for certificates of competency as deck or marine engineer officer (fishing vessel)

1.  For examination for a certificate of competency on each occasion on which a candidate presents himself for the practical oral part of the examination as:–

(a)deck officer (fishing vessel) Class 1


(b)deck officer (fishing vessel) Class 2


(c)deck officer (fishing vessel) Class 3


(d)engineering officer (fishing vessel) Class 1


(e)engineering officer (fishing vessel) Class 2


2.  For examination for a sight test certificate where it is a requirement for a candidate for an examination for a certificate of competency as a deck officer (fishing vessel) in case 1(a), (b) or (c) above and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


3.  For consideration of an application for an examination under paragraph 1 or 2 above where the applicant cancels his application (so that the fee under that paragraph will be refunded):–

(a)if cancellation is before a notice of eligibility for examination has been issued


(b)if cancellation is after a notice of eligibility for examination has been issued


4.  For consideration of an application for an examination under paragraph 1 or 2 above where such consideration involves overseas postage for the Marine Safety Agency



Fees in connection with examinations for certificates of competency as master, deck officer or marine engineer officer (merchant ship)

1.  For examination for a certificate of competency on each occasion on which a candidate presents himself for the practical oral part of the examination as:–

(a)deck officer Class 1 (master mariner)


(b)deck officer Class 2


(c)deck officer Class 4


(d)deck officer Class 5


(e)marine engineer officer Class 1


(f)marine engineer officer Class 2


(g)marine engineer officer Class 3


(h)marine engineer officer Class 4


2.  For examination on each occasion on which a candidate presents himself for the practical oral part for a command endorsement as:–

(a)master (extended European)


(b)master (limited European)




(d)tugmaster (limited European)


(e)master (restricted) and master (restricted) (extended European)


(f)master (restricted) (limited European)


3.  For examination of a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 4 marine engineer officer for the endorsement of his steam certificate to the effect that he is qualified to act in the capacity stated in his certificate on board a motor vessel, or vice versa, for the practical oral part of the examination:–

(a)marine engineer officer Class 1


(b)marine engineer officer Class 2


(c)marine engineer officer Class 4


4.  For examination for a service endorsement to a certificate of competency as a marine officer


5.  For examination for a sight test certificate where it is a requirement for a candidate for an examination for a certificate of competency as a deck officer in case 1(a), (b), (c) or (d) above or for a command endorsement, and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


6.  For consideration of an application for an examination under any of paragraphs 1 to 4 above where the applicant cancels his application (so that the fee under that paragraph will otherwise be refunded):–

(a)if cancellation is before a notice of eligibility for examination has been issued


(b)if cancellation is after a notice of eligibility for examination has been issued


7.  For consideration of an application for an examination under any of paragraphs 1 to 4 above where such consideration involves overseas postage for the Marine Safety Agency



Removal of Endorsements, and Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

1.  Removal of a “For Standby, Seismic, and Oceanographic Survey Vessels Only” endorsement from a certificate of competency


2.  Removal of a ‘For Tug Service Only’ endorsement from a certificate of competency


3.  For a dangerous cargo endorsement to a certificate of competency or service




1.  For examination for an electronic navigation systems certificate or an electronic navigation systems (fishing) certificate and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


2.  For examination for a certificate of qualification as efficient deck hand except where the examination is sat at a centre specially approved by the Secretary of State, and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


3.  For the grant of a certificate or qualification as efficient deck hand where the examination was sat at a centre specially approved by the Secretary of State


4.  For examination for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft except where the examination is sat at a centre specially approved by the Secretary of State, and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


5.  For the grant of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft where the examination was sat at a centre specially approved by the Secretary of State


6.  For examination for a licence as Marine Engine Operator or Senior Marine Engine Operator and for the grant of a certificate to a person passing the examination


7.  For the grant of a certificate of continued proficiency and updating of knowledge in respect of a certificate of competency or service


8.  For consideration of any application for an exemption from the requirements of the statutory instruments mentioned in Section K of paragraph 1(2) of Part I of this Schedule–

(i)involving one ship or person only


(ii)involving more than one ship or person

£110 plus an additional charge of £27 for each additional ship or person included in the exemption (whether included in the initial exemption or added later)

9.  For the grant of a licence of service as a Marine Engineer Operator


10.  For the grant of a Certificate of Service (Fishing Vessel) (Deck or Engineer)


11.  For consideration of any application for an exemption from the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Certification of Ships' Cooks) Regulations 1981(1) and the Merchant Shipping (Ships' Doctors) Regulations 1995(2)


12.  For examination by an approved medical practitioner on application for a medical fitness certificate under the Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Regulations 1983(3)



Fees for Examinations for Certificates of Competency as A.B.

In this Section, references to regulations are to regulations in the Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency as A.B.) Regulations 1970.


1.  For sitting the examination specified in regulation 4(1)(c), except in a case to which paragraph 3 of this Section applies or where the examination is sat at a centre specially approved by the Secretary of State


2.  For the grant of a certificate of competency, except in a case to which paragraph 3 of this Section applies


3.  For sitting the said examination and for the grant of a certificate of competency in the case of a person making application therefore under regulation 5(6) and passing the examin ation


4.  For a copy of a certificate of competency issued pursuant to regulation 10, except where the loss or destruction of the original certificate was occasioned by the wreck or loss of a ship or by a fire on board ship, in which case no fee shall be payable


S.I. 1983/808, to which there is an amendment not relevant to these Regulations.