1. Any employee who is employed by any of the following departments or sections of the Bath City Council—
(a)the Environmental Services Department,
(b)The Housing Department,
(c)The Leisure, Tourism and Economic Development Department,
(d)Property and Engineering Services Department,
(e)The Archives, Electoral Services, Land Charges and Mayor’s Office Sections of the City Solicitor’s and Secretary’s Department,
(f)The Council Tax, Customer Services and National Non Domestic Rates and Recovery Sections of the City Treasurer’s Department.
Biddlecome A | Grant K (Ms) |
Braga G (Mrs) | Hosking D (Miss) |
Bridges J (Mrs) | Morris A |
Bunstone R | Page J (Mrs) |
Clark D | Tucker M (Mrs) |
Curtis C | Weeks S |
Davies S (Mrs) | Weston A (Mrs) |
Flowers M | Wood D (Mrs) |