Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provision concerning the membership and procedure of Health Authorities established under the National Health Service Act 1977 as amended by the Health Authorities Act 1995. They include in Part II provisions relating to the number of members and conditions of membership (regulations 2 and 3 and Schedule 1), the tenure of office of members and termination of tenure of office and eligibility for reappointment (regulations 4 to 9) and disqualification for appointment and cessation of disqualification (regulations 10 and 11 and Schedule 2). In Part III provisions are included relating to vice-chairmen (regulations 12 and 13), the appointment of committees and sub-committees (regulation 14) and meetings and proceedings, including disability for taking part in proceedings on account of pecuniary interest (regulations 15 and 16 and Schedule 3).

The Regulations relating to the membership and procedure of Regional Health Authorities, District Health Authorities and Family Health Services Authorities, which are abolished by the Health Authorities Act 1995, are revoked (regulation 17 and Schedule 4). Amendments are also made to Regulations which make provision for the membership and procedure of certain Special Health Authorities by reference to these Regulations or the revoked Regulations (regulation 17 and Schedule 5).