


2.  In this Order—

“the Act” means the Trade Marks Act 1994, and references to a section are, unless the context otherwise requires, to sections of that Act;

“basic application” and “basic registration” have the respective meanings given by article 22;

“Common Regulations” means the regulations adopted under article 10 of the Madrid Protocol with effect from 1 April 1996;

“international application” means an application to the International Bureau for registration of a trade mark in the International Register;

“International Bureau” means the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation;

“International Register” means the register of trade marks maintained by the International Bureau for the purposes of the Madrid Protocol;

“international registration” means the registration of a trade mark in the International Register;

“international registration designating the United Kingdom” means an international registration in relation to which a request has been made (either in the relevant international application or subsequently) for extension of protection to the United Kingdom under Article 3ter (1) or (2) of the Madrid Protocol;

“notifiable transaction” has the meaning given by article 6;

“protected international trade mark (UK)” has the meaning given by article 12, and references to “protection” and “protected” shall be construed accordingly;

“the Rules” means the Trade Marks Rules 1994(1), and references to a rule shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed accordingly;

“supplementary register” has the meaning given by article 24;

“transformation application” has the meaning given by article 19;

“United Kingdom” includes the Isle of Man.


S.I. 1994/2583.