Title and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Fishing Boats (Specified Countries) Designation (Variation) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 4th July 1997.

Variation of the Fishing Boats (Specified Countries) Designation Order 1996

2.  The Fishing Boats (Specified Countries) Designation Order 1996(1) shall be varied by substituting, for Schedule 2 to that Order, the Schedule to this Order.

Elliot Morley

Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

26th June 1997


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office

26th June 1997

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Wales

Win Griffiths

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Welsh Office

26th June 1997

Marjorie Mowlam

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

2nd July 1997