The Extradition (Safety of Maritime Navigation)Order 1997

Article 1

1.  The provisions of Articles 5 and 7 and of Articles 10 to 16 of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the offences set forth in Article 2 of this Protocol where such offences are committed on board or against fixed platforms located on the continental shelf.

2.  In cases where this Protocol does not apply pursuant to paragraph 1, it nevertheless applies where the offender or the alleged offender is found in the territory of a State Party other than the State in whose internal waters or territorial sea the fixed platform is located.

3.  For the purposes of this Protocol, “fixed platform” means an artificial island, installation or structure permanently attached to the sea bed for the purpose of exploration or exploitation of resources or for other economic purposes.