(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order makes provision as to the fees to be payable to the Gaming Board for Great Britain by societies under Schedule 1A to the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976; by local authorities under Schedule 2 to that Act; and by lottery managers for certification under Schedule 2A to that Act. The level at which such fees were set previously by the Lotteries (Gaming Board Fees) Order 1996 (S.I. 1996/468) (“the 1996 Order”), revoked by this Order, is indicated in brackets after each relevant figure below.

A society or local authority wishing to promote a lottery is required to pay a fee of £590 (previously £570) to register itself or a scheme with the Board.

A fee of £62 (previously £60) is payable every 3 years in respect of continued registration with the Board.

The following sliding scale of fees applies for each society’s lottery promoted on behalf of a society while it is registered with the Gaming Board and for each lottery promoted under a local authority scheme registered with the Board.

Turnover (total value of tickets or chances sold)


exceeds £2,000 but does not exceed £10,000

£67 (previously £65)

exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £20,000

£120 (previously £115)

exceeds £20,000 but does not exceed £50,000

£145 (previously £140)

exceeds £50,000 but does not exceed £200,000

£295 (previously £285)

exceeds £200,000

£530 (previously £515)

As in the 1996 Order, no fee is payable in respect of the eighth and any subsequent lottery promoted by a society in a calender year provided that the turnover of the lottery in question does not exceed £20,000. A fee exemption applies to lotteries with a turnover of £2,000 or less.

The Order leaves the fee payable by members of the public inspecting returns made in respect of societies and local authorities unchanged at £2 and increases the fee payable under the Act on an application for certification as a lottery manager from £2,215 to £2,285.