Article 11(1)(b)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Persons exemptedPrescription only medicines to which the exemption appliesConditions
1. Royal National Lifeboat Institution and certified first aiders of the Institution.1. All prescription only medicines.1. The supply shall be only so far as is necessary for the the treatment of sick or injured persons in the exercise of the functions of the Institution.
2. The owner or the master of a ship which does not carry a doctor on board as part of her complement.2. All prescription only medicines.2. The supply shall be only so far as is necessary for the treatment of persons on the ship.
3. Persons authorized by licences granted under regulation 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations to supply a controlled drug.3. Such prescription only medicines, being controlled drugs, as are specified in the licence.3. The supply shall be subject to such conditions and in such circumstances and to such an extent as may be specified in the licence.
[F13A. Persons employed or engaged in the provision of lawful drug treatment services. 3A. Ampoules of sterile water for injection containing not more than 2 ml of sterile water.3A. The supply shall be only in the course of provision of lawful drug treatment services.]
4. Persons requiring prescription only medicines for the purpose of enabling them, in the course of any business carried on by them, to comply with any requirements made by or in pursuance of any enactment with respect to the medical treatment of their employees.4. Such prescription only medicines as may be specified in the relevant enactment.

The supply shall be–


for the purpose of enabling them to comply with any requirements made by or in pursuance of any such enactment, and


subject to such conditions and in such circumstances as may be specified in the relevant enactment.

5. Persons operating an occupational health scheme.5. Prescription only medicines sold or supplied to a person operating an occupational health scheme in response to an order in writing signed by a doctor or a registered nurse.


The supply shall be in the course of an occupational health scheme.


The individual supplying the prescription only medicine, if not a doctor, shall be a registered nurse acting in accordance with the written instructions of a doctor as to the circumstances in which prescription only medicines of the description in question are to be used in the course of the occupational health scheme.

6. The operator or commander of an aircraft.6. Prescription only medicines which are not for parenteral administration and which have been sold or supplied to the operator or commander of the aircraft in response to an order in writing signed by a doctor.6. The supply shall be only so far as is necessary for the immediate treatment of sick or injured persons on the aircraft and shall be in accordance with the written instructions of a doctor as to the circumstances in which prescription only medicines of the description in question are to be used on the aircraft.
7. Persons employed as qualified first-aid personnel on offshore installations.7. All prescription only medicines.7. The supply shall be only so far as is necessary for the treatment of persons on the installation.
[F28. Persons who hold a certificate in first aid from the Mountain Rescue Council of England and Wales, or from the Northern Ireland Mountain Rescue Co-ordinating Committee.8 Prescription only medicines supplied to a person specified in column 1 in response to an order in writing signed by a doctor.8 The supply shall be only so far as is necessary for the treatment of sick or injured persons in the course of providing mountain rescue services.]
[F39. Persons (“P”) who are members of Her Majesty’s armed forces.9. All prescription only medicines. 9. The supply shall be—

in the course of P undertaking any function as a member of Her Majesty’s armed forces; and


where P is satisfied that it is not practicable for another person who is legally entitled to supply a prescription only medicine to do so; and


only in so far as is necessary—


for the treatment of a sick or injured person in a medical emergency, or


to prevent ill-health where there is a risk that a person would suffer ill-health if the prescription only medicine is not supplied.]