This Table applies to proceedings (including proceedings authorised to be taken and appeals) of the descriptions specified in sections 6(i)(a) or 10(i)(a) of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963.


1.  Fees payable on the Judge or Court giving directions (otherwise than at a hearing in respect of which fees are payable under paragraph 2 of this Table), such fees to be fixed by the Judge within the limits shown.


2.  Fees payable where the issue, whether interlocutory or final, is heard in Court or in Chambers–

(a)if the case lasts half a day or less


(b)if the case lasts a whole day or more than half

(fees on same scale for subsequent days)

3.  Fee on the Judge preparing a written judgment or drafting the form of order or both, such fee to be at the hourly rate shown and in respect of the number of hours certified by the Judge as spent on such work.


4.  On an appeal to the Arches Court of Canterbury, the Chancery Court of York or the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved, a fee, to be fixed by and paid to the registrar of the appellate court, in respect of the cost of preparing for the use of the members of the Court five copies of the following documents–

(a)the notice of appeal;

(b)the record of the proceedings at first instance and any other documents and exhibits transmitted by the registrar of the court of first instance to the registrar of the appellate court;

(c)the note by the judge of the proceedings at first instance and any transcript of the judgment or any other part of the proceedings;

(d)all other documents required for the use of the Court.

5.  Fee in respect of all other work carried out by the Registrar in his capacity as such, in relation to proceedings to which this Table applies, on or after the date on which the proceedings were instituted in accordance with the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963 or on which a person was authorised to act as complainant in accordance with that Measure (including preparatory and ancillary work and correspondence) - the fee to be calculated at an hourly rate fixed by the Judge in respect of the number of hours certified by the registrar and approved by the Judge as spent on such work.

6.—(a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b) below, paragraphs 1-3 above apply to the Consistory Court, the Arches Court of Canterbury, the Chancery Court of York and the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved.

(b)“Judge” means the Chancellor or other presiding Judge of any Court concerned, provided that no fees are to be payable under this Table to any member of the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved.

(c)“Registrar” means the registrar of the Consistory Court, the Arches Court of Canterbury, the Chancery Court of York or the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved.

(d)Subject to any other order or direction by any Court concerned, fees under this Table are to be paid in accordance with section 62 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963 or as if they were costs or expenses to which that section applies.