Transitional provision about Director General

4.—(1) Prior to the Director General appointed under sections 6 or 52 of the 1997 Act taking up his post, the Secretary of State may designate a person to carry out the functions of the Director General of NCIS and the Director General of National Crime Squad.

(2) Sections 3 (4) (a), 26 (2) (b) and (f), 49 (4) (a) and 71 (2) (b) and (f) of, and paragraph 1 (4) (a) of Schedules 3 and 5 to, the 1997 Act shall have effect as if the references to the Director General of NCIS and the Director General of the National Crime Squad were references to the person designated to carry out the functions of the Director General of NCIS under paragraph (1) above and the person designated to carry out the functions of the Director General of NCS under paragraph (1) above respectively.