<dc:title>The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemptions) (Scotland) Order 1997</dc:title>
<dc:subject>Local government</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Fire and rescue services</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Information and communication technology</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ICT services</dc:subject>
<dc:publisher>King's Printer of Acts of Parliament</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject scheme="SIheading">LOCAL GOVERNMENT, SCOTLAND</dc:subject>
<dc:description>Part I of the Local Government Act 1988 precludes a defined authority within the meaning of section 1 of that Act from entering into a works contract or carrying out functional work (or such a proportion of functional work as the Secretary of State may specify) in respect of work falling within an activity listed in section 2(2) of that Act (a defined activity) unless they have competed for the contract or subjected the work to competition. “Works contract” and “functional work” are defined in section 3 of that Act.</dc:description>
<ukm:DocumentCategory Value="secondary"/>
<ukm:DocumentMainType Value="UnitedKingdomStatutoryInstrument"/>
<ukm:DocumentStatus Value="final"/>
<ukm:DocumentMinorType Value="order"/>
<ukm:Year Value="1997"/>
<ukm:Number Value="198"/>
<ukm:AlternativeNumber Category="S" Value="13"/>
<ukm:Made Date="1997-01-31"/>
<ukm:Laid Date="1997-02-03" Class="UnitedKingdomParliament"/>
<ukm:DateTime Date="1997-03-03"/>
<ukm:ISBN Value="0110555201"/>
<ukm:TotalParagraphs Value="11"/>
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