The London Underground (East London Line Extension) Order 1997

Temporary closure of part of Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal)

16.—(1) In this article “the waterway” means so much of the Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal) shown on the deposited plans and numbered 112 in the London borough of Hackney and “towpath” means so much of the towpath lying adjacent to the northern bank of the waterway between the letters A and B shown on the deposited plans.

(2) The Company, during and for the purpose of the construction of Work No 1, may temporarily close any part of the waterway and divert barges and other boats therefrom.

(3) During the period of the closure referred to in paragraph (2) above, all rights of navigation along, and obligations of the waterways board to maintain for navigation, the waterway or part thereof so closed shall be suspended and unenforceable against the waterways board.

(4) The Company, during and for the purposes of the construction of Work No 1, may temporarily stop up the towpath and prevent all persons from passing along the towpath and may construct temporary steps between the letters F and A shown on the deposited plans to be used in connection with paragraph (5) below.

(5) During the period of closure referred to in paragraph (4) above, the Company shall use reasonable endeavours to make available a temporary diversion of the towpath between the letters B, C, D, E, F and A shown on the deposited plans.

(6) Any person who suffers loss by the suspension of any right under paragraph (2) of this article shall be entitled to compensation, to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part I of the 1961 Act.