Sale of a horse

11.—(1) When a horse in respect of which a horse passport has been issued is sold, the seller shall send the horse passport to the recognised organisation of issue within 28 days of the sale, with details of the new owner, and the recognised organisation shall complete the details of ownership and re-issue it to the new owner.

(2) In the case where a horse referred to in paragraph (1) above is registered with a second or more recognised organisations, then the seller shall also send details of the new owner of the horse to the second and subsequent recognised organisations within 28 days of the sale.

(3) In the case where a horse referred to in paragraph (1) above is no longer registered with the recognised organisation of issue, the seller shall send the horse passport with details of the new owner to all of the recognised organisations with which the horse is still registered and shall do so, so far as practicable, within 28 days of the sale.