1997 No. 2888


The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Easington District Council, Epping Forest District Council and London Borough of Merton) Order 1997


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 2(9) and 15(5) of the Local Government Act 19881, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:

Citation and commencement1

This Order may be cited as the Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Easington District Council, Epping Forest District Council and London Borough of Merton) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st January 1998.

Exemption of sports and leisure facilities management carried out by Easington District Council2

The management of sports and leisure facilities2 by the council of the district of Easington shall not be treated as a defined activity so long as it is carried out at the following leisure centres:


the Peterlee Leisure Centre, St. Cuthbert’s Way, Peterlee; and


the Seaham Leisure Centre, Recreation Ground, Deneside, Seaham

during the period beginning with 1st January 1998 and ending on 31st December 1998.

Exemption of maintenance of ground carried out by Epping Forest District Council3

The maintenance of ground3 by the council of the district of Epping Forest shall not be treated as a defined activity so long as it is carried out within their area during the period beginning with 1st January 1998 and ending on 31st December 1998.

Exemption of other cleaning carried out by the London Borough of Merton4

Other cleaning4 by the council of the London Borough of Merton shall not be treated as a defined activity so long as it consists of the cleaning (other than by the emptying of gullies) of any street in their area and is carried out before 24th October 1998.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

Hilary ArmstrongMinister of StateDepartment of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

(This note is not part of the Order)

Under Part I of the Local Government Act 1988 (competition), work falling within certain defined activities may be carried out by local authorities only if particular conditions are fulfilled.

This Order exempts the following activities from the requirements of Part I: the management of sports and leisure facilities by Easington District Council so long as it is carried out at the Peterlee Leisure Centre or the Seaham Leisure Centre during the period beginning with 1st January 1998 and ending on 31st December 1998; the maintenance of ground by Epping Forest District Council so long as it is carried out in their area during the period beginning with 1st January 1998 and ending on 31st December 1998; and other cleaning by the London Borough of Merton of streets in their area (other than the cleaning of gullies) so long as it is carried out before 24th October 1998.