6. There is lodged along with this application the following documents—S
(i)extract birth certificate relating to the child
(ii)extract marriage certificate relating to the petitioner(s)
(Note: this need be lodged only in the case of a joint application by spouses)
(iii)medical certificate relating to the health of the male petitioner
(iv)medical certificate relating to the health of the female petitioner
(Note: medical certificate need not be produced where either the petitioner or one of the joint petitioners is a parent of the child)
(v)*agreement to the adoption by the child’s natural mother
(vi)*agreement to the adoption by the child’s natural father
(vii)*consent to the adoption by the child
(viii)*consent to the adoption by the tutor or curator
(ix)*extract of the order freeing the child for adoption
(x)*acknowledgement by local authority of letter by petitioner(s) intimating intention to apply for adoption order
(xi)*report by local authority in terms of section 22(2) of the Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978
(xii)*report by the adoption agency in terms of section 23 of the Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978
(xiii)*an affidavit by who is conversant with the law of adoption of and has practised law as a [or represents that country as (state capacity) in the United Kingdom]
(*Delete as appropriate)