The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Malaysia) Order 1997

ARTICLE 22Students and trainees

An individual who is or was a resident of a Contracting State immediately before making a visit to the other Contracting State and is temporarily present in the other State solely:

(a)as a student at a recognised university, college, school or other similar recognised educational institution in that other State;

(b)as a business or technical apprentice; or

(c)as a recipient of a grant, allowance or award for the primary purpose of study, research or training from the Government of either State or from a scientific, educational, religious or charitable organisation or under a technical assistance programme entered into by the Government of either State,

shall be exempt from tax in that other State on:

(i)all remittances from abroad for the purposes of his maintenance, education, study, research or training;

(ii)the amount of that grant, allowance or award; and

(iii)any remuneration not exceeding RM 8,000 or the equivalent in pounds sterling per annum in respect of services in that other State provided the services are performed in connection with his study, research or training or are necessary for the purposes of his maintenance.