
Amendments of principal Regulations

2.—(1) The principal Regulations shall be amended in accordance with the following paragraphs.

(2) In paragraph 5 (applicable days for different chargeable amounts) of Schedule 1, sub-paragraph (b) shall be omitted.

(3) In paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 2, after the note headed “Transitional arrangements” there shall be added the following—

Small property relief

For cases where the transitional arrangements do not apply, the rates bills of small properties, i.e. those with a rateable value of less than £10,000, will generally be frozen at the same level in 1997/98 as in 1996/97, and will be approximately 2% lower in real terms in 1998/99 and 1999/2000 than they would otherwise have been.

(4) In paragraph 1 of Part II of Schedule 2, after the note headed “Trefniadau trosiannol” there shall be added the following—

Rhyddhad Rhag Trethi i Eiddo Bach

Ar gyfer achosion lle nad yw’r trefniadau trosiannol yn gymwys, bydd biliau trethi eiddo bach, h.y. y rhai sydd â gwerth trethiannol lai na £10,000, yn cael eu rhewi’n gyffredinol ar yr un lefel ym 1997–98 ag ym 1996–97, a byddant yn rhyw 2% yn is mewn termau real ym 1998–99 a 1999–2000 nag y byddent wedi bod fel arall.

(5) Nothing in this regulation shall affect the operation of the principal Regulations in relation to demand notices issued by a billing authority which relate to a financial year beginning on or before 1st April 1996.