The Education (Individual Pupils’ Achievements) (Information) (Wales) Regulations 1997

Pupils in the final year of the second key stage and in the final year of the third key stage

2.—(1) The percentages referred to in this paragraph are those that are provided by the Welsh Office in respect of all registered pupils at schools in Wales in the final year of the second or, as the case may be, third key stage in the preceding school year.

(2) The percentages of such pupils who achieved each subject level in English, Welsh, mathematics and science shown both as determined by teacher assessment and by NC tests and NC tasks (where applicable).

(3) The percentages of such pupils who were working towards level 1 in each of those subjects as so determined.

(4) The percentages of such pupils who were exempt from each of those subjects.

(5) The percentages of such pupils who were absent from each NC test referred to in sub-paragraph (2).