Additional requirements for a ship constructed on or after 1st January 1994
(6) Where a public space spans three or more decks by means of permanent openings and contains combustibles (such as furniture) and enclosed spaces (such as shops, offices and restaurants), the space shall be equipped with a smoke extraction system; and—
(a)the smoke extraction system shall—
(i)be activated by operation of the smoke detection system required by regulation 11(10); and
(ii)be capable of being manually controlled; and
(b)the size of the fan or fans shall be such that the entire volume within the space can be exhausted in not more than 10 minutes.
Windows and sidescuttles
61.—(1) All windows and sidescuttles in bulkheads within accommodation and service spaces and control stations other than those to which regulations 58(8) and 59(3) apply, shall be constructed so as to preserve the integrity requirements of the type of bulkheads in which they are fitted.
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of the Tables set out in Schedules 1 and 2 in Merchant Shipping Notice MSN 1667 as appropriate the following shall apply—
(a)all windows and sidescuttles in bulkheads separating accommodation and service spaces and control stations from weather shall be constructed with frames of steel or other suitable materials; the glass shall be retained by a metal glazing bead or angle; and
(b)except in the case of ships built on or after 1st October 1994 carrying more than 36 passengers, the fire integrity of windows facing open or enclosed lifeboat and liferaft embarkation areas and of windows situated below such areas in such a position that their failure during a fire would impede the launching of, or embarkation into, lifeboats or liferafts shall be such that any potential fire hazard is kept to a minimum.
(3) In the case of a ship constructed on or after 1st October 1994, carrying more than 36 passengers, windows facing life-saving appliances, lifeboat and liferaft embarkation and muster areas, external stairs and open decks used for escape routes, and windows situated below liferaft and escape slide embarkation areas shall have fire integrity as required in Table 5 of Schedule 1 in Merchant Shipping Notice MSN 1667. Where automatic sprinkler heads are provided for such windows, and where windows are located in the ship’s side below the lifeboat embarkation areas they shall have fire integrity at least to “A-0” Standard.
Restriction of combustible materials
62.—(1) The following surfaces shall be such that a surface spread of flame of Class 1 and in the case of ships constructed before 1st September 1984, Class 1 and 2 will not be exceeded—
(a)exposed surfaces in corridors and stairway enclosures; and
(b)within all accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations—
(i)bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings; and
(ii)concealed or inaccessible spaces.
(2) Within accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations the following shall apply—
(a)the total volume of combustible facings, mouldings, decorations and veneers shall not exceed a volume equivalent to 2.5 millimetres of veneer on the combined area of walls and ceilings; in the case of ships fitted with an automatic sprinkler, fire alarm and fire detection system complying with the provisions of Schedule 1 in Merchant Shipping Notice MSN 1666 the above volume may include some combustible material used for the erection of “C” Class divisions;
(b)veneers used on surfaces and linings to which paragraph (1) applies shall not have a gross calorific potential exceeding 45 megajoules per square metre of surface area for the thickness used as measured in accordance with the method specified in International Standard ISO 1716–1973 (E), or with—
(i)any International Standard replacing the same or any British Standard which (in either case) the Secretary of State considers relevant from time to time and specifies in a Merchant Shipping Notice; or
(ii)with any relevant standard of a member State other than the United Kingdom;
(c)furniture in the corridors and stairway enclosures shall be kept to a minimum;
(d)primary deck coverings shall be of approved material which will not readily ignite or give rise to toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures; and
(e)waste paper receptacles shall be constructed of non-combustible materials and with solid sides and bottoms.
(3) Within accommodation spaces, service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces the following shall apply—
(a)all ceilings, linings, grounds, draught stops and insulating materials shall be of non-combustible materials except in respect of—&
(i)mail rooms and baggage rooms;
(ii)materials used to insulate refrigerated compartments;
(iii)materials used to insulate valves associated with hot and cold service systems provided that their exposed surfaces are such that a surface spread of flame of Class 1, and in the case of ships constructed before 1st September 1984 Classes 1 and 2, will not be exceeded; and
(iv)vapour barriers and adhesives used in conjunction with insulating materials, if their exposed surfaces are such that a surface spread of flame of Class 1, and in the case of ships constructed before 1st September 1984 Class 1 or 2, will not be exceeded; and
(b)paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed interior surfaces shall not be capable of producing excessive quantities of smoke and toxic products.
Miscellaneous items of fire protection
63.—(1) The following provisions shall apply to all parts of the ship—
(a)any pipe which penetrates an “A” Class division or “B” Class division shall be of suitable material having regard to the temperature such divisions are required to withstand;
(b)pipes intended for oil or other flammable liquids shall be of suitable material having regard to the risk of fire;
(c)overboard scuppers, sanitary discharges or other outlets close to or below the waterline shall not be of a material likely to fail in the event of fire and thereby give rise to a danger of flooding; and
(d)in spaces where penetration of oil products is possible the exposed surface of insulation shall be impervious to oil or oil vapours.
(2) The following provisions shall apply to the accommodation spaces, service spaces, and control stations—
(a)every air space enclosed behind a ceiling, panel or lining, shall be divided longitudinally and transversely by close fitting draught stops which shall be spaced not more than 14 metres apart and shall be closed at each deck;
(b)every ceiling and lining shall be so constructed as to enable a fire patrol to detect any smoke originating in a concealed or inaccessible space without impairing the efficiency of the fire protection of the ship; the Secretary of State may exempt any ship from the requirement of this regulation if he is satisfied that there is no risk of fire orginating in such a space;
(c)electric space heaters shall be fixed in position and shall be so constructed as to reduce risk of fire to a minimum; no such heater shall be fitted with an element so exposed that clothing, curtains or similar materials can be scorched or set on fire by heat from the element;
(d)cellulose-nitrate film shall not be used for cinematograph installations.
Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system or fixed fire detection andfire alarm system