Coins to be set apart by the Mint for trial3


The Deputy Master of the Mint shall with a view to the trial of the pyx cause to be selected at random and set apart—


one coin out of every 2,000 gold coins of each type ready for issue;


one coin out of every 150 silver Maundy coins ready for issue;


one coin out of every 3,000 silver coins (not being Maundy coins) ready for issue;


one coin out of every 3,000 gold-plated silver coins ready for issue;



one coin out of every 5,000 cupro-nickel coins of a denomination of more than ten pence ready for issue; and


one coin out of every 20,000 cupro-nickel coins of a denomination of ten pence or less ready for issue;

provided that where in any year the total number of cupro-nickel coins subject to trial is less than 250 million, one coin out of every 5,000 such cupro-nickel coins shall be selected at random and set aside, irrespective of the denomination of those coins;


one coin out of every 5,000 nickel-brass coins ready for issue; and


one coin out of every 5,000 bimetallic coins ready for issue.

Provided always that the Deputy Master of the Mint shall ensure that of the coins ready for issue not less than ten coins of each denomination, other than silver Maundy coins, and, in the case of silver Maundy coins, not less than ten such coins, shall be selected at random and set apart, irrespective of the number of such coins that are ready for issue.


The gold coins, silver Maundy coins, other silver coins, gold-plated silver coins, cupro-nickel coins, nickel-brass coins and bimetallic coins so set apart shall be kept separately in such number of packets as may be convenient, and the said packets shall be sealed up at the Mint before being taken to the trial.