1. Introductory Text

  2. 1. Citation and commencement

  3. 2. Interpretation

  4. 2A.Meaning of account investor

  5. 2B.Meaning of junior ISA account

  6. 2C.Meaning of “registered contact” etc.

  7. 2D.Regulations that do not apply to junior ISA accounts

  8. 2E.Contracts entered into by or on behalf of a child who is 16 or over

  9. 2F.Special provision in respect of Looked After Children

  10. 3. Introductory

  11. 4. General conditions for accounts and subscriptions to accounts

  12. 4ZA.Subscriptions to an account other than a junior ISA account

  13. 4ZB.Subscriptions to a junior ISA account

  14. 4ZC.Inalienability of a junior ISA account

  15. 4ZD.Permitted withdrawals from a junior ISA account

  16. 4ZE.Permitted withdrawals from a junior ISA account where the named child is terminally ill

  17. 4A.Repair of certain incompatible account and excess subscriptions - accounts other than junior ISA accounts

  18. 4B.Closure of cash account that is not a junior ISA account prior to the opening of the same type of account to be disregarded once

  19. 4C.Removal of insurance components at 6th April 2005

  20. 4D.Removal of maxi-accounts, mini-accounts and TESSA only accounts at 6th April 2008

  21. 5A.Treatment of sums held in accounts managed by Icesave Bank

  22. 5B.Treatment of certain sums held in accounts managed by Keydata Investment Services Limited

  23. 5C.Treatment of certain sums held in dormant accounts

  24. 5D.Subscriptions disregarded for the purposes of the subscription limits in regulations 4ZA and 4ZB

  25. 5DA.Defaulted cash account subscription

  26. 5DB.Defaulted investment subscription

  27. 5DC.Default event in respect of cash account

  28. 5DD.Defaulted investment payment

  29. 5DDA.Additional permitted subscription to an account other than a junior ISA account

  30. 5DE.Additional permitted subscription to a junior ISA account

  31. 5DF.Information required by regulation 5D

  32. 5DFA.Declarations required by regulation 5D

  33. 5DFB.Notices required by regulation 5D

  34. 5DFC.(1) Where the deceased’s account manager receives a request from...

  35. 5DFD.—Regulation 12(7) to (11), (12) and (13) applies in relation...

  36. 5DG.Single regulation 5D subscription

  37. 5DH.Default event or default investment payment occurring in the period beginning on 6th April 2011 and ending on 7th August 2012

  38. 5DI.Special provision in respect of Lehman Brothers investments and Keydata investments

  39. 5DJ.Special application of regulations 5DB, 5DD, 5DF and 5DH in respect of a Lehman Brothers investment

  40. 5DK.Deemed defaulted investment payment in respect of a Lehman Brothers investment

  41. 5DL.Specified amount for the purposes of a defaulted investment subscription in respect of a Lehman Brothers investment

  42. 5DM.Special application of regulations 5DJ to 5DL in respect of a Keydata investment

  43. 5E.Subscriptions made by account investors issued with certificates by Royal Bank of Scotland Group disregarded for the purposes of regulations 4ZA and 31(3)(c)(ii)

  44. 5. Transfers from matured tax-exempt special savings accounts

  45. 6. General investment rules

  46. 7. Qualifying investments for a stocks and shares component

  47. 8. Qualifying investments for a cash component

  48. 9.Insurance policies

  49. 10. Qualifying individuals who may invest under an account that is not a junior ISA account

  50. 11. Account investor ceasing to qualify

  51. 12.Conditions for application to open an account that is not a junior ISA account

  52. 12A.Conditions for application to open an account that is a junior ISA account

  53. 13. Application by curator bonis

  54. 14. Account manager—qualifications and Board’s approval

  55. 15. Special requirements relating to insurer-managers

  56. 16. Account manager—appointment of tax representative

  57. 17. Account manager—withdrawal by Board of approval

  58. 18. Account manager—appeal against withdrawal of Board’s approval

  59. 19.Account manager’s intention to make a bulk transfer of accounts or to cease to act as an account manager

  60. 20. Account manager ceasing to qualify

  61. 21.Transfers relating accounts other than junior ISA accounts

  62. 21A.Further requirements relating to transfers between cash accounts

  63. 21B.Transfers relating to junior ISA accounts

  64. 21C.Repair of invalid junior ISA accounts

  65. 22. Exemption from tax of account income and gains

  66. 23. Interest on cash deposits held under a stocks and shares component of an account that is not a junior ISA account

  67. 24. Tax liabilities and reliefs—account manager to act on behalf of account investor

  68. 25. Repayments in respect of tax to account manager—interim claims

  69. 26. Repayments in respect of tax to account manager—annual returns and annual claims

  70. 27. Account manager’s returns and claims—supplementary provisions

  71. 28. Assessments for withdrawing relief and recovering tax

  72. 29. Records to be kept by account manager

  73. 30. Information to be given to account investor by account manager in relation to an account that is not a junior ISA account

  74. 31. Returns of information by account manager

  75. 32. Information to be provided to the Board

  76. 33. Inspection of records by officer of the Board

  77. 34. Capital gains tax—adaptation of enactments

  78. 35. Administration of tax in relation to accounts—supplementary

  79. 36.Application of the provisions of Chapter II of Part XIII of the Taxes Act and of Chapter 9 of Part 4 of ITTOIA 2005 to policies where an investor ceases to be or was not entitled to relief from tax

  80. Signature

  81. Explanatory Note