Collision, machinery space and afterpeak bulkheads and shaft tunnelsU.K.
10.—(1) Every ship shall be provided with a collision bulkhead which shall be watertight up to the bulkhead deck and shall be fitted at a distance from the ship’s forward perpendicular of not less than 5 per cent of the length of the ship and not more than 3.0 metres plus 5 per cent of such length.
(2) Where, in a ship constructed on or after 1st September 1984, any part below the waterline extends forward of the forward perpendicular, the distances specified in paragraph (1) shall be measured from a point either—
(a)at the mid-point of the maximum length forward of the forward perpendicular of such an extension;
(b)at a horizontal distance forward of the forward perpendicular equal to 1.5 per cent of the length of the ship; or
(c)at a horizontal distance 3.0 metres forward of the forward perpendicular;
whichever gives the smallest measurement.
(3) Where a long forward superstructure is fitted, the forepeak or collision bulkhead on all passenger ships shall be extended weathertight to the next full deck above the bulkhead deck. The extension may only open forwards and shall be so arranged as to preclude the possibility of the bow door causing damage to it in the case of damage to, or detachment of, a bow door.
(4) The extension required in paragraph 3 need not be fitted directly above the bulkhead below, provided that no part of the extension is located outside of the limits specified in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) as applicable. However, in ships constructed before 1st July 1997:
(a)where a sloping loading ramp forms part of the extension, the part of the extension which is more than 2.3 metres above the bulkhead deck may extend no more than 1 metre forward of the forward limit specified in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) as applicable; and
(b)where the existing ramp does not comply with the requirements for acceptance as an extension to the collision bulkhead and the position of the ramp prevents the location of such extension within the limits specified in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), as applicable, the extension may be situated within a limited distance aft of the aft limit specified in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) as applicable. The limited distance aft should be no more than is necessary to ensure non-interference with the ramp. The extension to the collision bulkhead shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (3) and shall be so arranged as to preclude the possibility of the ramp causing damage to it in the case of damage to, or detachment of, the ramp.
(5) Ramps not meeting the requirements of paragraph (4) shall be disregarded as an extension of the collision bulkhead.
(6) Every ship shall be provided with a watertight afterpeak bulkhead and with watertight bulkheads dividing the space appropriated to the main and auxiliary propelling machinery, and boilers, if any, from other spaces. Such bulkheads shall be watertight up to the bulkhead deck provided that the afterpeak bulkhead may be stepped below the bulkhead deck if the safety of the ship as regards subdivision is not thereby impaired.
(7) The stern gland of every ship shall be situated in a watertight shaft tunnel or other watertight space separate from the stern tube compartment and of such a volume that if the tunnel or space is flooded the bulkhead deck will not be submerged. The stern tube shall be enclosed in a watertight compartment of moderate volume.