Nature of judgment where default judgment obtained by filing a requestI112.5


Where the claim is for a specified sum of money, the claimant may specify in a request filed under rule 12.4(1)—


the date by which the whole of the judgment debt is to be paid; or


the times and rate at which it is to be paid by instalments.


Except where paragraph (4) applies, a default judgment on a claim for a specified amount of money obtained on the filing of a request, will be judgment for the amount of the claim (less any payments made) and costs—


to be paid by the date or at the rate specified in the request for judgment; or


if none is specified, immediately.

(Interest may be included in a default judgment obtained by filing a request if the conditions set out in Rule 12.6 are satisfied)

  • (Rule 45.4 provides for fixed costs on the entry of a default judgment)


Where the claim is for an unspecified amount of money, a default judgment obtained on the filing of a request will be for an amount to be decided by the court and costs.


Where the claim is for delivery of goods and the claim form gives the defendant the alternative of paying their value, a default judgment obtained on the filing of a request will be judgment requiring the defendant to—


deliver the goods or (if he does not do so) pay the value of the goods as decided by the court (less any payments made); and


pay costs.

(Rule 12.7 sets out the procedure for deciding the amount of a judgment or the value of the goods)


The claimant’s right to enter judgment requiring the defendant to deliver goods is subject to rule 40.14 (judgment in favour of certain part owners relating to the detention of goods).