SECTION IE+WPart 36 Offers to Settle


Withdrawing or changing the terms of a Part 36 offer generallyE+W

36.9.(1) A Part 36 offer can only be withdrawn, or its terms changed, if the offeree has not previously served notice of acceptance.

(2) The offeror withdraws the offer or changes its terms by serving written notice of the withdrawal or change of terms on the offeree.

(Rule 36.17(7) deals with the costs consequences following judgment of an offer which is withdrawn.)

(3) Subject to rule 36.10, such notice of withdrawal or change of terms takes effect when it is served on the offeree.

(Rule 36.10 makes provision about when permission is required to withdraw or change the terms of an offer before the expiry of the relevant period.)

(4) Subject to paragraph (1), after expiry of the relevant period—

(a)the offeror may withdraw the offer or change its terms without the permission of the court; or

(b)the offer may be automatically withdrawn in accordance with its terms.

(5) Where the offeror changes the terms of a Part 36 offer to make it more advantageous to the offeree—

(a)such improved offer shall be treated, not as the withdrawal of the original offer; but as the making of a new Part 36 offer on the improved terms; and

(b)subject to rule 36.5(2), the period specified under rule 36.5(1)(c) shall be 21 days or such longer period (if any) identified in the written notice referred to in paragraph (2).]