F1PART 85Claims on Controlled Goods and Executed Goods

Amendments (Textual)

SECTION VIPowers of the Court hearing any application under this Part



The court may in or for the purposes of any application under this Part make such order as to costs as it thinks just.


Where a claimant to goods subject to enforcement or a debtor in a claim to exempt goods fails to appear at a hearing, the court may direct that the enforcement agent’s or officer’s costs and creditor’s costs will be assessed by a Master, District Judge, Costs judge or Costs officer.


In a claim to controlled goods a debtor may request the court to assess the costs incurred by an enforcement agent, in which case the court will apply the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 to such assessment.


In a claim to executed goods a debtor may request the court to assess the costs incurred by an enforcement officer, in which case the court will apply Schedule 3 of the High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004 to such assessment, save in relation to the costs of execution of writs of sequestration and writs relating to ecclesiastical property.