Money in CourtRule 9


Where money is standing to the credit of the judgment debtor in Court, the judgment creditor shall not be entitled to take garnishee proceedings in respect of that money but may apply to the Court in accordance with CPR Part 23 for an order that the money or so much thereof as is sufficient to satisfy the judgment or order sought to be enforced and the costs of the application be paid to the judgment creditor.


On filing an application notice under this rule the applicant must produce the application notice at the office of the Accountant General and leave a copy at that office, and the money to which the application relates shall not be paid out of Court until after the determination of the application. If the application is dismissed, the applicant must give notice of that fact to the Accountant General.


Unless the Court otherwise directs, the application notice must be served on the judgment debtor at least 7 days before the hearing.


Subject to Order 75, rule 24, the Court hearing an application under this rule may make such order with respect to the money in Court as it thinks just.