Removal from association36


Where it appears to be necessary in the interests of preventing him from causing significant harm to himself or to any other person or significant damage to property that a trainee should not associate with other trainees, either generally or for particular purposes, the governor may arrange for the trainee’s removal from association accordingly.


A trainee shall not be removed under this rule unless all other appropriate methods of control have been applied without success.


A trainee who is placed in his own room during normal waking hours in accordance with arrangements made under this rule shall—


be observed at least once in every period of 15 minutes;


not be left unaccompanied during normal waking hours for a continuous period of more than 3 hours nor for periods which total in aggregate more than 3 hours in any period of 24 hours;


be released from the room as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purposes mentioned in paragraph (1) above that he be removed from association; and


be informed both orally and in writing of the reasons for such placement.


A record shall be kept of each occasion on which a trainee is removed from association under this rule which shall specify—


the name of the trainee;


the date and time removal commenced and finished;


who authorised it;


the reasons for it and that the trainee was informed in accordance with paragraph (3)(d) above; and


any observations made in accordance with paragraph (3)(a) above;

and the record kept in accordance with this paragraph shall be made available, upon request, to the person authorised under rule 43(1) of these Rules to inspect the centre.