Contracts of the AuthorityK3


The Authority may make standing orders with respect to the making of contracts by it or on its behalf.


The Authority shall make standing orders with respect to the making by it or on its behalf of contracts for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works.


Standing orders made by the Authority with respect to contracts for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works shall include provision for securing competition for such contracts and for regulating the manner in which tenders are invited, but may exempt from any such provison contracts for a price below that specified in standing orders and may authorise the Authority to exempt any contract from any such provision when the Authority is satisfied that the exemption is justified by special circumstances.


A person entering into a contract with the Authority shall not be bound to inquire whether the standing orders of the Authority which apply to the contract have been complied with, and non-compliance with such orders shall not invalidate any contract entered into by or behalf of the Authority.