
Regulation 2



1.  In question 1, omit “Note 1”.

2.  In question 2B.8 for “buiding” substitute “building”.

3.  In question 2B.10 for “occupany” substitute “occupancy”.

4.  In paragraph 2 of the notes at the beginning of Part 3(1)—

(a)in sub-paragraph (1)(a) after “the applicant, or” insert “(where more than one)”;

(b)in sub-paragraph (2)(a) after “any disabled occupant” insert “, or (where more than one) each of the disabled occupants,”; and

(c)omit paragraph 2(2)(b).

5.  For question 3.1, substitute—


6.  For question 3.6, substitute—


7.  For question 3.7, substitute—


8.  Omit question 3.22.

9.  In question 3.29(2) insert in the appropriate place—

10.  In question 3.31, insert in the appropriate place—

11.  In question 3.38(3)

(a)omit “, or one or more of the children,” (where those words first occur);

(b)for the words after “local authority,” to “eleventh birthday” substitute “and the charge relates to a period beginning on the child’s 8th birthday and ending on the day before the first Monday in September following his 12th birthday”; and

(c)above “(If “Yes” for one or more” insert—

12.  In the Authorisation at the end of Part III of the form—

(a)to the right of the heading “Authorisation” insert “Note 95A”;

(b)in paragraphs (a) and (b)—

(i)for “If you receive” substitute “For those receiving”;

(ii)for “your application” substitute “the application”;

(iii)for “if you give” substitute “if those in such receipt give”; and

(iv)for “if you wish to do this” in paragraph (a) and for “If you are content for the Council to refer to your existing HB or CTB records” in paragraph (b), substitute “To give permission”;

(c)in paragraph (a), omit “or national insurance number”; and

(d)in paragraph (b), for “your HB or CTB records” substitute “their HB or CTB records”.

13.  In the notes at the end of the form, omit note 1.

14.  Omit note 68.

15.  At the end of the list in the first paragraph of note 83, add—

16.  After note 83, insert—

83A.  This means a payment made under the Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 or under section 12B of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968.(5).

17.  After note 85, insert—

85A.  This means a Career Development Loan paid under section 2 of the Employment and Training Act 1973..

18.  In note 90 for “(see note 86);” substitute—

19.  In note 91 for the last entry in the list in the second paragraph, substitute—

20.  At the end of note 93, add—

21.  After note 95 insert—

95A.  It may help the Council to process the application more quickly if each person who receives income support or an income-based jobseeker’s allowance completes the authorisation at the end of Part 3. However, there is no obligation to do this..


The notes were substituted by S.I. 1997/978.


Question 3.29 was amended by S.I. 1997/978.


Question 3.38 was substituted by S.I. 1997/978.


1973 c. 50; section 2 was amended by section 25 of the Employment Act 1988 (c. 19).


1996 c. 30; 1968 c. 49; section 12B was inserted by the Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 (c. 30), section 4.


S.I. 1996/207; relevant amending instrument S.I. 1997/2863.