Distinctive titles and specialist listsU.K.
8.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies where the GDC is of the opinion that orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery has become so distinctive that it would be for the convenience of the public or of the dental profession that registered dentists qualified to practise, or practising, in that branch of dentistry should use a distinctive title, and it decides to make regulations—
(a)under section 26(3) of the Act so as to prescribe a title for that specialty; or
(b)to prescribe such a title and also to provide for the matters specified in section 26(4)(a) and (b) of the Act in relation to that title.
(2) Where this paragraph applies, the GDC shall secure that the regulations mentioned in paragraph (1) provide that a registered dentist is entitled to use the title prescribed for a specialty and (if appropriate) to have his name entered in the list for that specialty only if he—
(a)either holds a CCST awarded by the GDC under regulation 6 in the specialty in question, or is an eligible specialist as specified in regulation 9 or an existing specialist as specified in regulation12; and
(b)pays any fee determined by the GDC on application for entry in the appropriate list.
(3) Where the GDC exercises its powers under section 26(4) of the Act so as to provide for a specialist list in orthodontics or oral surgery, it must tell anyone who asks it (and pays any fee determined by the GDC) whether or not a particular person’s name is entered in the list in question, and must do so in writing if required, stating the date on which that person’s name was entered in the list and his registration number.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3), the GDC shall be deemed to have satisfied a requirement that it gives information in writing if it transmits the information to the person requiring it by facsimile or other electronic means.
Eligible specialistsU.K.
9.—(1) A person is an eligible specialist for the purposes of regulation 8(2) if he holds a recognised specialist dental qualification (as specified in regulation 10) and—
(a)is a national of an EEA State; or
(b)is not a national of an EEA State, but is, by virtue of a right conferred by Article 11 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 or any other enforceable Community right, entitled to be treated, for the purposes of access to the profession of dentistry, no less favourably than a national of such a State.
(2) A person is also an eligible specialist for the purposes of regulation 8(2) if he does not fall within paragraph (1), but—
(a)he has specialist dental qualifications awarded outside the United Kingdom in orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery, and satisfies the GDC that those qualifications are equivalent to a CCST in the specialty in question; or
(b)he has knowledge of, and experience in, orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery derived from academic or research work, and satisifies the GDC that that knowledge and experience is equivalent to the knowledge and experience which he might reasonably be expected to have acquired if he had undertaken the training required for the award of a CCST.
[(3) In the case of a person falling within paragraph (2) who is an exempt person the GDC shall, when considering whether it is satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (2)(a) or (b), take into account—
(a)all his dental qualifications, knowledge or experience, wherever acquired, which are relevant to its determination; and
(b)where the person has specialist qualifications in orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery awarded outside the EEA which have been accepted by another EEA State as qualifying him to practise as a specialist in that State, that acceptance.]
(4) A person is also an eligible specialist in oral surgery for the purposes of regulation 8(2) if he is an oral and maxillo-facial surgeon and his name is entered in the specialist register kept by the General Medical Council in respect of that specialty and—
(a)if his specialist qualification in oral and maxillo-facial surgery was awarded in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, he satisfies the GDC that his training in oral and maxillo-facial surgery included elements which taken together satisfy the requirements of the Dental Training Directive for training in oral surgery; and
(b)in any other case, he satisfies the GDC that his training in oral and maxillo-facial surgery included elements which taken together are equivalent to the training required for the award of a CCST in oral surgery.
[(5) In the case of an exempt person, the GDC shall, within the specified period, give the applicant notice—
(a)of its decision as to whether it is satisfied that he is an eligible specialist in accordance with paragraph (2), (3) or (4); and
(b)where it is not so satisfied, of the reasons for its decision and of the applicant’s right to appeal under regulation 14(1)(b).
(6) Failure to notify an applicant who is an exempt person of a decision within the specified period shall be treated as a decision from which an applicant may appeal under regulation 14(1)(b).
(7) In paragraphs (5) and (6), “the specified period” means—
(a)the period of three months beginning with the date on which the GDC receives the application together with full supporting documentation; or
(b)such longer period as is permitted by article 13 of the Recognition Directive.]
Textual Amendments
Marginal Citations
Recognised specialist dental qualificationsU.K.
10.—(1) The following are recognised specialist dental qualifications for the purposes of regulation 9(1)—
(a)a qualification which is listed in [Annex B, Part 1 (orthodontics) or (as the case may be) Annex B, Part 2 (oral surgery) to] the Recognition Directive (which sets out the names of specialist qualifications in EEA States) granted in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom (these names are set out in Schedule 1);
(b)a qualification in orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery granted in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom which does not satisfy all the minimum training requirements laid down by articles 2 and 3 of the Dental Training Directive and was awarded following training begun before the relevant date, accompanied by a certificate from the competent authority in the EEA State in which the qualification was awarded or in which its holder has subsequently become established, stating that the holder has been engaged in the practice of his specialty for at least the period required by article 7(2) of the Recognition Directive (qualifications not satisfying the minimum training requirements);
(c)a qualification in orthodontics or (as the case may be) oral surgery—
(i)which has been obtained at any time in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom,
(ii)which does not conform with the designations set out in [Annex B, Part 1 or Part 2, to] the Recognition Directive (which sets out the specialist dental qualifications awarded in EEA States), and
(iii)evidence of which is accompanied by a certificate of the competent authorities of that State to the effect that the qualification was awarded following training in accordance with the provisions of articles 2 and 3 of the Dental Training Directive (which set out minimum standards of training for specialist dental qualifications) and is treated by that State as if it were a qualification set out under the heading relating to that State in [Annex B, Part 1 or Part 2, to] the Recognition Directive; and
(d)subject to compliance with paragraph (2), any qualification which is evidence of training commenced before 3rd October 1990 and undertaken on the territory of the former German Democratic Republic.
(2) This paragraph is complied with where—
(a)the holder of the qualification referred to in paragraph (1)(d) produces to the Registrar a certificate of the competent authorities of Germany certifying that he has practised his specialty in Germany for at least the period referred to in article 7a(2) of the Recognition Directive (training in former German Democratic Republic); and
(b)he is authorised to practise his specialty throughout the territory of Germany under the same conditions as holders of the German qualification listed in [Annex B, Part 1 or Part 2, to] the Recognition Directive.
(3) In paragraph (1)(b), “the relevant date” means—
(a)28th January 1980, in the case of a qualification granted in Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland or the Netherlands;
(b)1st January 1981, in the case of a qualification granted in Greece;
(c)1st January 1994, in the case of a qualification granted in Finland, Norway or Sweden; ...
[(ca)1st June 2002, in the case of Switzerland; or]
(d)in the case of any other EEA State, the date notified by that State to the Commission as that on which it implemented the Dental Training Directive.
Appointment as a consultant in the National Health ServiceU.K.
11.—(1) Paragraph (2) shall not apply until the expiry of the period of two years beginning with the date on which regulations made by the GDC under section 26(4) of the Act come into force in relation to the specialty in question.
(2) Subject to paragraph (1), a person may not take up appointment as a consultant in the National Health Service in oral surgery or orthodontics unless his name is included in any list for the specialty in question kept pursuant to regulations made by the GDC under section 26(4) of the Act.